Introducing Point Bank

Day 1,466, 09:09 Published in USA USA by Tosh O'Point

Today I would like to welcome you to join Point Bank, the newest and safest bank in the New World. The rules of deposit are very simple, and the rewards are profitable for the both of us. I understand that most people are unlikely to deposit money with someone they do not know, so I’d like to introduce myself for a minute. I am a 19 year old college student in southeastern Virginia who started playing this game a little over one month ago. My hobbies include hiking, playing basketball, and studying for a degree in communications with a business administration minor. I’ve spent a good deal of my time in the game so far looking at the marketplace and the currency market and have started making a respectable profit for myself (in my opinion). My hope is that I can do the same for you.

Savings accounts are available to all eRepublik citizens at no charge and a 100 USD minimum deposit. Accounts will earn interest at an impressive 52% APY (compounding weekly at 1% per week). Anyone can create an account simply by sending me a personal message here in-game requesting the account and estimating their initial deposit. Once I reply, just donate the money and you’re all done.

Withdrawing the money is just as simple. All an account holder has to do is send me a PM with the amount they wish to withdraw. It will be sent to them as soon as I log in (guaranteed to be less than 24 hours, though usually won’t be more than 12) along with a confirmation message. I understand that some people may need the cash faster, or still have a low amount of trust, so I will provide all depositors with my email address and a link to my cell phone. There is no charge for sending an email asking for a rush job. There is no minimum withdrawal, and as of now, no maximum so long as the account balance stays above the 100 USD minimum.

If you have more questions about Point Bank please feel free to comment below or shoot me a PM.

Tosh O’Point