Intervju sa SG-om Anda FCBokom / Interview with ANDES SG FCBoca ESP/ENG

Day 3,734, 15:55 Published in Croatia Croatia by Div Jak


What were some of your previous jobs?

What do you like best about serving in alliance HQ?

How did the alliance start?

How did the alliance survive so long?

Tell us about Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Venezuela and Uruguay.

How is Andes doing now? Are you looking to expand membership?

What fun things has Andes done to keep players and have fun?

Tell us about the last war with Serbia and how it went.


1) Buenos dias / tardes / noche

Empece como tutor en mi Partido Politico, para despues meterme en politica como congresista, mi primer cargo en un gabinete fue como MoD, donde estuve 2 meses seguidos, en esos 2 meses dirigi un AS a España donde la borramos junto con otros aliados y despues de un tiempo liberamos Argentina de una invasion de FYROM que duro menos de una semana y de un AS bulgaro

Hace unos pocos meses volvi a ser MoD esta vez, sin ningun fruto debido a intentos de liberacion fallidos

2) Lo que mas me gusta de servir en la alianza es tener un ideal y ver como se convierte en realidad, creo que lo mas importante que podes tener es un ideal, eso lleva a que la alianza se mueva para donde quieras, y te llena por dentro cuando se vuelve satisfactorio

3) La alianza comenzo gracias a Millo, actual PP del PAI, despues de la caida de Andes debido a varios problemas y desacuerdos, se propuso la creacion de una alianza regional, donde paises con el mismo idioma y casi mismo horario podian hablar y coordinar libremente. Detras de esto esta el sueño de una Latinoamerica unida donde todos se defienden de cualquier invasor

4) La alianza sobrevivio debido a que somos paises donde rendirnos es una de las ultimas opciones, sabemos que tarde o temprano a pesar de las dificultades vamos a salir con la cabeza en alto.
Otro motivo fue la region, quiza si hablas con alguien que tiene distinto idioma al tuyo no te interese tanto, pero cuando hablas con personas que hablan tu idioma sin ningun tipo de problema y a la vez estan muy metidos en el juego, se genera una muy linda amistad

5) Hay muchas cosas que contar, voy a tratar de hacerlo resumido. Argentina (país natal) es uno de los paises mas fuertes de Andes junto con Chile, destacamos mas que nada por la cantidad de gente que hay en nuestras comunidades hasta el dia de hoy, tenemos a Uruguay, que tambien son muy activos y esto se vio por ejemplo estos días con el reclamo de más provincias, lo cual tienen toda la razon. Tenemos a Bolivia y Paraguay, países conformados por poca gente, pero son tanques, llevan hacia delante su pais. Por ultimo esta Venezuela, un pais con buen daño, gente activa y agradable, que si se le diera la oportunidad demostrarían lo que valen (como hicieron vs cuba hace unas semanas)

6) Andes esta pasando por un buen momento, las hostilidades con Asteria han acabado y sus miembros son libres para tener TWs e ir por bonus.
En lo personal Andes podria expandir su membresia a otros paises, pero como dije, es una alianza regional, y todos los paises miembros tienen el poder de voto para que otro pais entre a nuestra alianza, asi como para recomendar su entrada tambien

7) Andes ha hecho tanto repartos como pegadas conjuntas para todo el que lo pida en el Discord oficial de Andes. Tambien ha hecho sorteos y promovió mediante articulos, las culturas y costumbres de los paises miembros

😎 Durante las ultimas invasiones Asterianas, Chile fue ocupado por Serbia y Argentina por varios paises pro Asteria, una vez que Argentina se libero de dichos paises, procedimos a atacar a Serbia para liberarlos, lo cual no ocurrio, durante varios dias dimos batalla, e hicimos gastar mucho a los Serbios. Llegado un punto, hubo comunicaciones con los Serbios para ver si llegabamos a un acuerdo, durante semanas se hablo de estos acuerdos y fue bien vista por los 2 bandos


1) Good morning / evening / night

I started as a tutor in my Political Party, then I got into politics as a congressman, my first position in a cabinet was like MoD, where I was 2 months in a row, in those 2 months I directed an AS to Spain where we deleted it together with other allies and then of a time we liberated Argentina from an invasion of FYROM that lasted less than a week and from a Bulgarian AS

A few months ago I was again MoD this time, without any fruit due to unsuccessful release attempts

2) What I like the most about serving in the alliance is to have an ideal and see how it becomes reality, I think the most important thing you can have is an ideal, that leads the alliance to move wherever you want, and you fills inside when it becomes satisfying

3) The alliance began thanks to Millo, current PP of the PAI, after the fall of Syndicate due to several problems and disagreements, the creation of a regional alliance was proposed, where countries with the same language and almost the same schedule could talk and coordinate freely. Behind this is the dream of a united Latin America where everyone defends against any invader

4) The alliance survived because we are countries where surrender is one of the last options, we know that sooner or later despite the difficulties we will go out with our heads held high.
Another reason was the region, maybe if you talk to someone who has a different culture you are interested, but if you have to use the Google translator for example sometimes it is annoying, when you speak with people who speak your language without any kind of problem and the Once they are very involved in the game, it generates a very nice friendship

5) There are many things to tell, I will try to do it summarized. Argentina (native country) is one of the strongest countries of the Andes together with Chile, we highlight more than anything because of the amount of people in our communities until today, we have Uruguay, which are also very active and this is saw for example these days with the claim of more provinces, which are absolutely right. We have Bolivia and Paraguay, countries made up of few people, but they are tanks, they lead their country forward with good leadership. Finally this Venezuela, a country with good damage, active and pleasant people, that if given the opportunity would show what they are worth (as they did vs Cuba a few weeks ago)

6) Andes is going through a good time, the hostilities with Asteria have ended and its members are free to have TWs and go for bonus.
Personally, Andes could expand its membership to other countries, but as I said, it is a regional alliance, and all member countries have the power to vote for another country to join our alliance, as well as to recommend their entry as well.

7) Andes has made both distributions and joint hits for everyone who asks for it in the official Discord of Andes. It has also drawn lots and promoted through articles, the cultures and customs of the member countries

😎 During the last Asterian invasions, Chile was occupied by Serbia and Argentina by several pro Asteria countries, once Argentina got rid of those countries, we proceeded to attack Serbia to free them, which did not happen, we fought for several days, and we made the Serbs spend a lot. At one point, there were communications with the Serbs to see if we reached an agreement, for weeks we talked about these agreements and was well seen by the 2 sides

Additional questions:

How do you see the future of Andes?
-Brilliant, today we have the possibility to choose our path, and if we do it well, Andes can become a great alliance. I just want to say that I am going to do everything so that Andes becomes a power, all that is needed is to have a vision and the desire to fulfill it.

How does alliance supply work?
-In Andes, the one that handles all the military part is the SC, which receives the orders of the countries and establishes priorities.

-We are thinking of putting an official MU of Andes, which will be divided into 2 branches, tanks and air, and each will have a small academy to make the most of each force, also, we are planning each member country to donate a small part to have deliveries and CO when necessary.