Interview with Vanek26

Day 1,483, 16:44 Published in USA USA by Cleveland Fleman

How did you come across eRepublik?
My old community, Lunar Wars, was dying, and eRepublik was found. A few of us started playing, but I was the only one that really liked it and is still playing.

What was your first impression?
I joined on day 600, a few days before Harrison Richardson was elected and World War III began. So basically, that consumed the first part of my game experience. It was disheartening to be honest, and I even quit for a while. But I came back around Florida and have been addicted ever since.

Why did you choose your user name?
Thomas Vanek is the Buffalo Sabres best forward, and his number is 26.
Its a cool sounding name too.

What was your first political party?
The Democratic Party. The Democratic Party was a small game-mechanics party from around December 2009. Significant members were Harrison Richardson, Blazix, and Joe Newton.

What do you think of the AMP?
I think they should rename themselves the Anti-USWP Party. There is no real debate over military matters. It’s basically just two communities fighting over America. What I mean is USWP also wants a strong military, same as AMP, whatever that means.

What has been your biggest accomplishment in eRepublik?
Being the NSC Chair for 6 consecutive terms.

Do you look up to anyone in eRepublik?
Not really anymore.

Who was it?
Harlot, Maruishima.

What happened?
They don't play anymore.

What do you think about Oblige's presidency so far?
Pretty damn good. Won epic battle in Aquitaine, wiped out Serbia Been a bit low key, Oblige was away on business last few days, but looking good.

Would you run for POTUS?
Probably not. I hate writing articles and political bullshit.

What do you think about the JCS and government divide?
Bored of it, but one group is elected and has game-mechanic power. The other doesn't. Its clear who should be in charge. But some people are stubborn, so nothing will change. And we've been doing this for... 9 months almost.

What were you thinking when you secretly supplied Israel_Stevens with money to buy weapons for the Army?
It was damage that we needed. It didn't turn the Army people that got them into government controlled zombies. The people that got them were very appreciative of them before they found out. Also, they stopped even looking at the stuff Israel Stevens gave us after a week. So pretty much it was just another massive over-reaction by the JCS.

If Israel never confessed would you have continue to supply them with money for weapons?
Sure it increased damage for the USA IRC Army troops were receiving 0 weapons a day.

Aside from a major game mechanics change, what needs to happen for EDEN/TERRA and ONE to be more balanced?
Their bot-net needs to go down like it did a few days ago.

What do you think about France's deal with Poland?
I don't like that they gave up, but its perfectly reasonable. They were wiped and a lot people give up hope. A few resources is better than none.

Do you have any advice for new players?
Don't drink the kool-aid. Think for yourself.

Interview done by Potato123.

Interview with Oblige
Interview with GoalieBCSC