Interview with GoalieBCSC

Day 1,482, 10:36 Published in USA USA by Cleveland Fleman

How did you find erepublik?
I was stumbling and randomly found it. I thought it looked interesting, so I joined up.

Why did you choose your username?
GoalieBCSC has been my nickname for awhile. I have been using it since I was 12, and I didn't see any point in changing it.

What was your first impression of erep?
At first it was quite boring. It took a week or more to be able to fight, and it was a lot less clicking than now. I got lucky and found a mentor that helped me get through the early stages.

What was the first political party you joined?
I joined Feds, that was after I was quite well established in the game. I needed a party to run for congress, I knew the PP quite well so I joined it.

What do you think about the AMP?
I am not sure about the AMP to be honest. I am good friends with many people in the party. But I have not heard much about what the party is doing, instead of the individuals. I do believe that it should focus on staying a power instead of getting involved in "party politics."

What do you think about the JCS vs government situation?
I had many issues with how it actually went down. I had known that many of the JCS leaders had been planning to break off of government control. This had gone back for almost a year before the split actually happened. I believe that power is something very few people would give up, and any type of government mandate would cause the split to happen. I think it is hilarious to watch both sides and be someone who was part of both. Both sides believe the other is plotting against them at all times. In reality, most people have become apathetic towards the situation. While the JCS might not always fight in the exact battles that the government wants, they deal damage for Eden and Terra regardless.

What do you think is the best solution right now for the JCS v. Government issue?
There is no solution. There will never be any harmony between the groups.

Do you think there is anyway to end the situation?
Only way to "end" the situation would be for the Admins to step in and take all the companies from JCS and give them back to the government.

During your presidency, Australia left Eden. How did you feel about that?
The writing has been on the wall for awhile. The fact that some in Eden had pushed for change, but were denied by the "superpowers" it was obvious what the next step was. Remember, we at one time also left Eden. It was not for the exact same reasons, but I could see why they would chose to leave.

Some would say you had a very quiet term as president. What do you believe you accomplished during your term?
I had a very quiet term in the media. I believe that erepublik has all but destroyed the in-game media. So I used IRC and called into the eNPR at least once a week. We stopped the invasion with a very key AA supply. Also, I had an audit of the entire Armed Forces, which has seen quite a few changes immediately after it was given the senior officers of the branches. The creation of the Civilian Military Unit was another huge accomplishment, there are plenty of new players that have been retained because of that. At the time I left, it had over 340 people in it.

Oblige's presidency started off with a boom how do you think oblige is doing so far?
He has done well. I don't see him doing poorly. He was there throughout my entire presidency, so he's basically taking over directly where I started. He has plenty of new idea's to implement while I was more focused on turning the tide of the invasion

Do you plan to run for president again?
I do not see myself running for president in the near future. I won't say never, but I have no plans.

How did you feel about France's deal with Poland?
It was the best step for them to take. It was best for both sides, which often does not happen.

Do you have any suggestions for new players?
Get on IRC, it is literally the best thing you can do to become involved in eRepublik. join a group to keep you interested regardless of what group it is. Ask for help if you need it, but ask nicely.

Interview done by Potato123.

Interview with Oblige