Interview with Gnilraps

Day 1,484, 13:33 Published in USA USA by Cleveland Fleman

How did you come across eRepublik?
I had played a MMORPG called Kings of Babylon. I was Lord of the Blue Realm, so I googled popular MMORPG's. eRepublik looked good. So nobody gets my referral gold.

What was your first impression of eRepublik?
My initial impression was that it would take FAR LESS of my time than KoB did, and at that time I was right clicking my companies fighting my 5 times/day, or whatever it was. I could log on and log back out 12 minutes later and feel like I had "played," which after the 24/day KoB experience was fresh air. In that game you could be directly attacked, so it was nonstop, in this game, the attack was not on me directly so I could log out and not worry about someone stealing my stuff. I liked that eRep met me at the level of commitment I was willing to give. It took me several months before I found IRC and got sucked in, and of course now I set my alarm around my stupid health meter.

Why did you choose Gnilraps as your user name?
I wanted Gnilleps but misspelled it, which is a joke on several levels. Truth is it’s my last name spelled backwards and if you can figure out my joke, bonus points.

What was the first party you joined?
The federalist party.

What do you think about the JCS vs Government situation?
When I was Vice President, I hosted a Domestic Affairs Council, and this was one of the main topics we dealt with. I have never released the information, findings, or resolutions we came to in that council mainly because things seemed to be quiet at the end of my VP term and the LAST thing I wanted to do was stir them up again. What I learned through a lot of discussion and listening was that there is a great difference between the CURRENT "JCS" leadership (and I put "JCS" in quotes because I am not sure what to do with the term any more) and the FORMER JCS leadership and that the current JCS leadership unfortunately inherited all of the ill will that the former leadership had earned and defending themselves, they simply (and unintentionally) furthered the wrath of the unforgiving opposition. And so we have ended up with, on the one side people who were legitimately pissed at the time, who get off on remaining pissed despite the fact that the reason for them being pissed is WAY LONG GONE and on the other side people who stepped into legitimate and important roles who inherited this bees nest of opposition and who just want to be left alone to do their thing. There is one person who undoubtedly has done more to perpetuate the issue than any other and he doesn't really care if his actions harm anyone. Which is a pretty nifty definition of a sociopath. It is my opinion that as long as fomenting dissent empowers him, he will continue to stir this pot. The vast majority of eAmericans are SO READY to move on. But if they do, it will rob him of a valuable resource. And so he will continue to plant dissension, fear and blind rage. Because this serves him. And keeps him "useful" and makes him "powerful". And meanwhile the rest of the eUSA has to put up with the toilet water.

Why does kara beth hate you?
The main reason was a mistake. She had asked to have "all forum access removed" by which she MEANT all her masking and whatnot. What I STUPIDLY did was delete her account. It was idiotic on my part it is the single most regrettable stupidity of my entire eRepublic career because KB and I had been such good friends for so long and when I realized that I had so poorly misinterpreted her request I grieved. She was probably pissed at me for something prior to that but whatever that was, I am sure it was something that we could have worked out because we have worked together on so many things, and we worked out many disagreements. What I did surely wounded her deeply and I don't frankly deserve her mercy.

Why are the people leaving the feds?
We had an information leak. Sensitive information was being shared with Pfeiffer. I found out where the pipeline was. I removed their access to the areas of our Forum and IRC where such information was being discussed.

What do you think about the AMP?
Love it. They are my favorite #2 party which is a dopey joke actually. No honestly, I like the whole concept of a party with a military reason for being without becoming any particular military's party. We try to do that with Easy Company. We don't mandate party membership on the one hand, nor militia membership on the other, but we are not as successful at being known as military-minded as AMP is. I think you guys have established a reputation which serves you well in this game being AMP is good for new Citizens. I don't know a ton about your internal workings which is my primary reason for loving the Federalist party but from outside, AMP is cool.

Do you have any suggestions for people who want media moguls?
Not everyone can get a Media Mogul medal, some people just cannot write well. Some people don't want to devote the time, some people are too obtuse and nobody will keep reading. However if you are not one of those, work your angle, work it over and over the 5Gold is not worth the work it takes so do it because you love to see your stuff published. Take the time to have decent formatting and kiss a lot of ass. promote the heck out of other people's papers that's all I can think of atm.

Do you look up to anyone in eRepublik?
The Libertine, Emerick, Phoenix Quinn, Bruce Sommer, Lysander Spooner, Custer.

What do you think about Oblige’s Presidency so far?
I was disappointed that in such a massive cabinet, so few Federalists were chosen. But as a President, it is far to soon to judge his personal performance.

What did you think about Goalie’s presidency?
It was the first administration in a long time that I did not have PDB access to, so I would be a poor judge. But my guess is that his term was wall to wall Pfeiffer.

Do you plan to run for POTUS again?
Yes. I am waiting for my personal life to align with a good in game opportunity, gotta pick a month that will work for both.

Do you have any suggestions for new players?
Don't listen to the first people who contact you, and find the people who think like you and ask their advice. Save your gold and make a month commitment. By then you'll know where to head first.

Interview done by Potato134.

Interview with Oblige
Interview with GoalieBCSC
Interview with Vanek26