Il Pirata che venne dal nord ... o meglio, dai Grigioni ... per spiarvi!

Day 4,799, 03:02 Published in Italy Switzerland by Tim Buctu

Vabbè, visto che ormai sono stato smascherato, non ha più senso la mia permanenza nel Bel Paese ... spero almeno di riuscire a strapparvi una risata in questo inizio week end, non essendo riuscito a strapparvi alcun segreto ... mando un saluto a tutta l'eItaly anche da parte di quello svitato di tef1.

p.s.: se lo volete in eItalia, ve lo regaliamo!

Ahoy \o?

Per comodità, l'ho copia/incollato, così non vi faccio fare neppure fatica ad aprirlo!

The News Squad

Tim Buctu - the Spy agent

Dear Citizens,

I understand the past day has been tough on all of us. The government lied to us. We recently learned that the legendary Tim Buctu has gone to Italy.

I think it was important for the failed establishment to tell us why a patriot like him would leave a great nation like ours for no reason.

Now we know why. The failed establishment of eSwitzerland's lack of respect of allies knows no bounds. They sent him to Italy - a staunch ally of ours so he can spy of that nation and their government.

The unwise government of eItaly, to their demise accepted his citizenship. Furthermore, he is now involved in that nation's politics.

Is the failed establishment trying to have a puppet elected in eItaly? I highly doubt it since they are not really accused for their smart strategies but it is interesting.

What do you all think, comment down below.
