I go

Day 2,423, 19:20 Published in Pakistan Croatia by Sagittarius A Star

I got tired ohv Pahestan.
Shudn't pay attention to what's going on.
Some things revealed.
Hypocrisy, talibanism, narrow minds ..

I also have to take care of some things in Serbistan.

List of idiots is longer than I expected, but hey .. It doesn't bother me as much as that .. fear which you convince yourself it's "decency".
It's not decency.
It's not decent to keep your mouth shut and "mind your own business" when you need to react.
It's weak.
It's wrong.
It's highly retarded.

But I guess that's Pakistan.
Not only here, but in rl too ..

They might kill a woman beside you, you'll go to make some tea as if nothing happened.

So, ok ..

If these few remaining normal humans in Pakistan ever need my MU's and mine military assistance, we'll be happy to help.

Take care Sparky, hvlx, Ariovistus, Bilal, rainy, Hvahad, Strywgry, chlome, Calihv, Asihv, David, Brando and others (lot of people from this list already lehvt Pahestan)

I wish to Manzur, hvariz, batkid, kualqueer and the rest of lobotomized crew to stay lobotomized, I also hope they'll gain the power, cuz Pakistan needs to die in order to resurrect ..

Love for Sindh

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