Homonavia Back On the Map?

Day 1,480, 15:15 Published in Sweden Sweden by Oscdar
Please observate that this article is not in any way connected to the interrests or opinions of the Swedish Government, Folkhemsdemokraterna FHD or Osax Corp Sweden. This is only my personal opinions and ideas.
Thank you for not beeing rude to in Your comments.

With the heat beeing created by Norway attacking a Swedish core region, Dennmark declaring ONE and Sweden hostile and Finnland voting about war against Sweden, I think it is about time to awaken the Homonavian Union. Or atleast the thought of it.

Since Sweden has yet not started a truly offensive against Norway, Sweden is now in danger of having to deal with open war from three fronts. And since Sweden is highly outnumbered by the Finnland, there is a small chance of Finnland occupying Swedish territory. And it can as well turn out that Sweden occupies all of Scandinavia. And if that time would come, I believe that a large part of the Scandinavian population would like to once again be united under the Homonavian flag.

The Homonavian Union would be made up by all of the Scandinavian nationalities so that they are able to come trough to the Union-politics. New parties have to be founded so that all of the nationalities can have a voice in Congress.

The official language of Homonavia will of course be English, and it will be the official language of the Homonavian Government and Congress. The official press releases from Government and such will be in English, for equality between all of the Union Nationalities.

The Leader for the Union, The High Commander, which also will be the nation president, will be elected through the president election. The title "High Commander" is the greatest title in the entire Union, its the title that is bestowed upon those who will lead the Union into greatness. Each Union Nation Party will present a candidate to run for the High Commander post. The High-Commander is the one who forges the Unions government and who makes the biggest decisions. Without a great High-Commander, the Union will fall apart. It takes skill and activity to lead the Union.

The candidate who wins the election will have the other three candidates as Vice Union Leaders in their government. The government posts should be divided as equal as possible between the Union Nationalities.

Homonavia will be a large Union filled with many different kinds of Main-Resources. These resources make the Union able to use its own products for its Factories instead of Importing from other nations, making the Union more Reliable on its own.

A broader market would be created since the Union nations will share the same market. Employing workers will be easier, and would give positive effects to both company owners and company workers.

Homonavia will be the greatest Military Power in all of the eWorld, an efficient Military with skilled soliders from all of the Union Nations fighting together for the good causes of Hominavia.

Now, those are my thought about this so far. Some I have gotten from the ways of the old Homonavian Union involving Sweden and Dennmark. You can read about it here! And the rest is just my own ideas, beeing vented in this article. I wish for this, or at least some of this to come true, no matter which country stand as the final "winner" in the final battle over Scandinavia. If, or more likely WHEN it does happend, I will fight for my cause, because I do truly believe in it.

All Hail Homonavia! All Hail the future High Commander!

Yours Truly

Psst, another great mind of this matter