Hello, Sleeping nation

Day 3,345, 13:24 Published in USA USA by AlTounsi.
Good Morning

It's quiet, isn't it?

Most are asleep. Clickless, but clicking. I saw them in the epic battle, and saw their wares for sale. I purchased their weapons.

I noticed on the battlefield, far away from home, one of them was by the river, panning for some gold.

Surely I'd find more such men in the trenches of our allies. I saw five, and then five more, elsewhere. Two Wu's does not a legion make.

A war sprung out of tattered land, and I found a baker's dozen of Wu's, hiding beneath the bounty. It's the only place they come together.

But only a few skips of the pond away I saw someone, with shining golden armour, leading a hundred men to battle, and filling me with sorrow.

I tried asking how it was that he could do such amazing things. He shrugged, and did not respond.

I sat down, and had some tea.