Happy Election Eve!

Day 1,688, 20:56 Published in USA USA by Eric Vanderberg

Hi Everyone!

I want to apologize first, I'm sorry I haven't been posting very much in my paper like I said I would. (I think I said I would, it's been hectic! 😃) But I wanted to wish all of our eCanadians a belated Happy Canada Day and to my fellow Americans, a happy 4th of July. I had a so-so holiday myself, too hot to do anything but I love fireworks and I made sure I went out and at least saw them.

Now down to hard tacks or Business, whichever you prefer. Tomorrow is the eUnited States Presidential Election, the most important election that we as a nation have. I encourage everyone to get out and do your patriotic duty tomorrow and vote. Now, who to vote for, that's a tough one. But if you read up on the articles like I do, I believe there is only one person that can guide this nation onto prosperity in all realms of the game.


Evry has assembled a team of intelligent individuals, experienced and knowledged and even has made room in her cabinet for new and eager players. I am proud to say I voted for Evry in our AMP CP Primary because of her experience, dedication and because of her committment to the betterment of the United States.
Last Wor😛

Over the last few days, I have been mentioned in at least 3 articles:

Cromstar: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-man-with-the-plan1-2075230/1/20
Evry: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-evry4potus-kindness-is-contagious-2073937/1/20
AMP PP John Killah: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-amp-passing-the-midway-point--2074518/1/20

I am excited and proud of my work as Retention Director for the AMP. My goal this term for the party was to restore a department known for good time and laughter back to prominence and I'm glad to have helped. I could have never done so without great PP's, Party Members and Leaders to draw advice and to learn from. I love the job greatly and I'm happy to see it return to it's former levels. Bringing the Retention Department back to it's former glory wasn't done for me, it was done for everyone and everyone in the AMP and beyond had a hand in restoring it. I want to thank everyone who has come out to trivia night, poker night and other game nights I've hosted this term and I hope to see you at many more!

I am also excited to join Evry's cabinet should she win, one of my hidden passions in life is making people smile or feel better about themselves. This is my niche I suppose and I love doing it. Win or lose, it is an absolute honor to be nominated for this position. It is also a little exciting to see my name mentioned in the company of former Presidents and long term members and also in the papers of those I consider Erepublik's top players. I am humbled and should Evry win tomorrow, I am excited to get to work.

For those of you on the East Coast, be careful, it is going to be a scorcher this weekend. For those of you on the West Coast, lucky 😃, for those of you who may have been caught up in the wild fires over the last month, stay safe. For those of you around the world, Have a great day/night!
