Gnilraps - The REAL Traitor!

Day 1,366, 14:39 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut

Some of you may have recently seen an article where Gnilraps discusses the witchhunt against Congressman Pierce Vaughn. There is nothing American or patriotic about what he is doing. He is nothing but a schoolyard bully. The Congressman recently had his forum access revoked for letting in an American citizen who was on loan to our Greek allies temporarily. As a prior citizen of this country, I am entitled to re-entry. There was no vote for expulsion, no trial, simply a few elitist mods deciding to block a Congressman because of a personal hatred.

It is those who believe that political persecution and bringing real life hatred into a game is somehow American who are the REAL traitors, and Gnilraps is chief among them. He is a common thug who will use intimidation to accomplish his goals. Any sensible person who read his sorry excuse for an article would be able to see right through his nonsense. Remember that sometimes true enemies try to pass themselves off as Americans.

For the record, I don't regret a single person I've let in to this country. They come from all corners of the eWorld, but what do they all have in common? They fight for this country and they serve this country, and no one who bears us good will should ever be denied. Those with honor are always friends of this nation. I have done nothing but try to help others and better America and the eWorld and I am proud of my actions and proud that I have always stood up for what I believe is right. A man is nothing without his integrity.

American Patriot
Pizza The Hut