Giving school. Teaching me. Lesson 2 from a noob

Day 1,456, 21:17 Published in South Africa Norway by Enriche2Ribeiro

Giving school. Teaching me. Lesson 2 from a noob 

Sorry guys haven’t been in class lately, running around looking for a new coffee machine for MoDA. Today is a lesson from a player I invited to the game. I would like to use these as a tool for other new recruits.This is for you Skquall. Our next victim is none other than Emissary.of.plain pain (what we will do in future is send him out to tell people that assegai is coming)

Lets get started

Name, age and where you are in real life?

Richard Sloane, 24, Gauteng, South Africa (he is from Germiston like me, beware).

2. Would you consider yourself a new or old player?

New player. (or as Skquall put it “Noob”)

3. How have you found your first couple of days in eSA?

Slightly frustrating. Generating gold is such a mission. But really enjoyable overall.

4. Has it been easy to fit into eSA?

If you mean \"fit into\" as in role playing with other players. It hasn't been to bad at all. A lot of friendly people willing to teach (thanks again to older players, us reaching out is working).

5. Where do you see yourself going in eSA?

Once my economy is flourishing! (So never, looks over at crowd who are silently sobbing waiting for the same thing.) I want to look into the idea of joining congress ... but will need some information beforehand so I can see what it entails (Lots of people involved can help, but wait your part of NU, you’ll soon be UP there with the rest of them).

6. What is the hardest part of the game for you? And why?

Definitely the starting out food and gold situations. With money being extremely hard to get (jobs only offer +-120 a day) and the fact you can only trade at level 15 even though you don't really have surplus resources at that level, getting food becomes a real problem, especially if you miss click like I did meaning I had no food to work and no money to buy food, if you hadn't sent,I would have been "game over" ... so to speak. (Pleasure, as Richard takes money signs over his life – now a slave forever…HaHaha)

7. What advice would you give new players and old players?

Save your gold and build up your economy before attempting to join a military group (for a serious military role) or a political group. Always be friendly and role play the best you can (adds more fun) ... but most of all ... play the way u want to play ... make it your own ... (well said! MAKE IT YOUR OWN!)

8. Are you subscribed and reading newspaper articles?

No, not 100% sure how or where to get that yet ... haha ... (ricky sends link to his newspaper…)

9. What keeps you playing this game?

Good friends and it is an addictive game (an addictive game? Ricky turns and notices he hasn’t shaved in weeks, addictive??).So as you can see, when we step up and meet new players we see their problems become less and they start worrying about the same problems we have. I hope this was educational. Lets greet him and make him our friend

Thanks Ricky
UP with naartjies