Get to Know the US Army, Part I

Day 656, 12:47 Published in USA USA by bombonato

2LT Aeros, World War III Correspondent
The Army Times introduces Get to Know the US Army, a series of interviews with members of the eUS Army and asking them questions submitted by military members and other members of the public.
Today, we interviewed 1LT Tresville, a platoon leader in II Corps, Fifth Mechanized Infantry Division.
How long have you served in the Army?
Let's see....I joined the TD on June 14, 2009 I believe, then 3 weeks or so later I was placed in the Army's 5th Division 2nd Platoon. So, 2 and a half months roughly.

What does a platoon leader do in the Army?
Makes soldiers out of loyal eUS citizens looking to serve of course. We also teach them how to be better eRep players. We make sure they follow orders given by Army Command. At least that's my general description of the job.

We are charged with teaching our men the finer points of fighting, following the Chain of Command and how to overcome obstacles. We have to not only make them battle ready, but also command ready. These are our future Officers, Airborne and Marines we are molding. We can only hope that our best run the country someday.

Is it hard to keep track of you soldiers?
No, not really. It becomes difficult only when real life becomes a fustercluck. But other than that, if you have the work ethic and have good subordinates it is not hard at all. We have some very organized officers and generals who are quick to help if you need it. The system they improved upon works as long as you follow their footsteps.

How do you make sure your men are ready for battle?
Well, I do a combination of things. Number one is motivation. I reward my troopers for their achievements which has proven to be a successful tactic. Second, I provide them with a list of links and references to articles and other info they need in order to become better soldiers and most of all eUS Citizens. Learning the Art of eWar helps keep them motivated and battle ready. Third, I make myself available at all times to not only answer their questions, but also help them to stand on their own and make smart decisions. Last, I make sure they are supplied, and have their wellness over 90. I even created an Org for the platoon to gift, reward (donate) and also store supplies for them if needed.

Soon, I will begin to give them tank (thanks to IanJohnLocke and Julius Rodvigo) and officers training.

Have you and your men deployed as a unit?
Yes actually, I was organizing attacks for a few weeks (on and off) whenever I would get on IRC and had soldiers available. We'd hit the wall and flood it with Army avatars (our uniforms).

In most of our recent coordinated battles that I was present for, I would make sure men were supplied, ready to charge, knew the target and what to do afterwards.

What would you say to someone who is thinking about joining the Army?
If you’re thinking too much about it... you probably belong in politics. We want patriots and future generals in the Army. If you know you're ready to kick ass and take names... come see me in the 5th Div!! I'll make life takers and heart breakers out of all of ya!!! Hurrah!

What are your thoughts on the recent battles the US Army has participated in?
I don't think you can print my thoughts on many of them (due to the eRep Admins). A few were FUBAR at no fault of the eUS Military. Nothing worse than having to give up a hill you took and shed blood on because of some civilian admin.

However, our battles a week ago were pretty intense. We had a few that went to the wire (one minute to drop the wall) and we prevailed. Some of my men were in the coordinated battle for the first time and they loved it. They can't get enough now. Some get so hyper before battle that I have to stun them for a bit or shoot 'em with a rubber bullet to calm 'em down. I carry those often now! lol.

**Tresville stuns the reporter**
Taser X3 Youtube Demo
you’ll be fine in a few son...walk it off! lol

Is there anything you think can be done to make the US even more militarily capable?
Always room for improvement. We are getting better every day. At the moment, reorganization in some areas has helped. This will continue. Communication (in general) may be our biggest problem at times. "I can't because" should not be words coming out of a soldiers' mouth. The military is only a part of government and this is where those communication problems have to be dealt with first. All that is above my pay grade so... 😃
Do you know someone in the eUS Army you want to interview? Want to ask the top brass something you wouldn't generally ask when responding to orders? Send the interview candidates and questions to the Army Public Affairs Office!
Interested in joining men like 1LT Tresville in battle? Join the Army!