From the new AMP PP (I know, I'm shocked too!)

Day 3,863, 15:25 Published in USA USA by Eric Vanderberg

It's been almost two years, if my math is correct since I've written anything. "7 things I think I think" was my biggest article, a whole 33 votes. Usually, its because I don't have anything to say or rather because I don't want to rehash the past. But today, I say nuts to that. I say nuts to the fact that our country is for all intents and purposes wiped. I say nuts to the fact that no one seems to care and if they do, it is a drop in the bucket compared to years past. Years ago, I didn't have a platform. But today, I stand here as the Party President of the AMP and today I hope that people will listen.


I was asked to join this party by two dear friends of mine, Jack Mensley who has since left the game and former CP John Killah. I watched them lead the party to greatness with such members as Israel Stevens, Halliman, David Wilson and Potato134. Great leaders who accomplished much for party and country. I ran for and was elected to Congress and served a term in the SCI while also working as Retention Director. My games were legendary on IRC, everyone came out to play. We were on top of the world, nothing would change that.

Or so we thought.

Years go by, people come and go and the Party fell into disrepair and finally into the history books. Gone, but not forgotten.


I stood back this spring and watched my country slowly be invaded and taken over. The MUs fighting, Airborne doing all it can every day but even it was taking a beating. It was then a familiar face reached out to me and asked me if I would come back. Its been 8 years since we met and probably a year since we had talked but I could never tell John Killah no. He had joined up with some familiar faces from the past, Emdoublegee, our outgoing President. Evry, our former CP not to mention himself and a few others and they were putting the AMP back together. A party known to thrive in Combat because its members came from every MU in the eUS.

It felt like and still does feel like old times again, we have a top notch President in Rainy. We have a staff that works hard and goes the extra mile to get the job done. Everything old is new again, except for one thing. Were missing some of our family. Some because they have left the game and others well, because perhaps they haven't given us a chance yet. So yes, I am asking anyone out there who might be interested to come and give the AMP a shot. We might not be the biggest party, but we are going to work our butts off to get back to a top 5 party and we want you along for the ride.


In closing, I hope you will excuse this article. It went a lot of different places and didn't touch on much except a little history and a recruitment pitch. Let me just say this, this is my first term as Party President and our country is in crisis. We need all hands on deck. I intend to run the AMP as well and as best as I can for as long as I can and in the best way I know how.

Which means a return to game nights which made us famous both on IRC and discord and recruiting articles that used to populate the Articles of the Day list. A fierce and dedicated resistance to the invading forces who wish to permanently wipe the eUnited States. I don't have much money in this game but I will spend all of my gold and all of my 10,000 cc to ensure this country does not perish from the eWorld.

A return to glory will come for the AMP but it will take time. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither were we. But with this term we will lay the ground work so that the PP's of the future can build and shape their legacy, one AMP at a time.