finding more information about eRepublik...

Day 325, 06:36 Published in USA USA by scrabman

I'm one of those folks who just has to seek out more information when it comes to something that I'm going to spend my time on. Maybe it's my lawyer background, maybe it's a touch of my OCD, or maybe it's something else (or both of those first things). When I start a project I research it so that I know the rules and know what I'm doing. Erepublik is no exception and it's a very good example of a place where there is a lot to be known if you just ask around.

As I said in my last article here there is a very basic level of this game where you log in each day and to 2 or 3 clicks to work, train, and vote (or whatever). My understanding is that the war module is currently suspended as the upgrade of eRepublik is on the way (V1 as they call it) and will change everything. Does that mean that we're going to war as soon as V1 launches? Possibly ... who knows? I just know that I'm at 2.6 strength and will hit 3.0 soon which will put me in the eUSA Army. I'm not sure how the whole combat system will work but I imagine that it will certainly change things up for a week or so.

One of the things that I wondered when I started eRepublik was what the deal was with hospitals? Well, apparently they are helpful in times of war as they help you to heal quicker depending on their quality level. Charleston has a Q1 hospital which means it can heal you an extra 10 wellness a day if you are in combat. Some areas don't have a hospital but there are a smattering of Q4 hospitals around the country that will give you a 40 pt. wellness boost once a day from combat damage. Thus, it would be good to buy a moving ticket when you can afford it so that you can get yourself to a city with a Q4 hospital immediately if war breaks out and moving tickets become scarce.

Where have I learned such things? Well, I've asked a lot of the older eRep members like Justinious, Inferno, and Roach (and others) to explain things to me and they've been very gracious about doing so. I've also bee reading the eRep wikipedia - - which gives a pretty good overview of how things are set up. But you really need more information than that which is why the eUSA forums have recently been a good place to find information - - as there are many contributors and you can ask questions. Lastly, there are the eRupublik forums - - (or just click "forums" at the top of page) that also provide a lot of information if you can sort through all of the entries that aren't very well organized.

Information is key to understanding how things work and what you can do if yo start to get bored. I fully recommend them and will continue to talk about such things here because I've also found newspaper subscriptions to be a good place to get information (hint, hint ... subscribe to me please).