Final words from your Norwegian President

Day 1,473, 14:40 Published in Norway Norway by T Cherub
Hi boys and girls of Norway

My presidency is over in a few days. Let me just say right off that I will support Stakerauo. He is a solid Norwegian candidate, and has shown great efforts in the last couple of months. I will personally back him up as best I can, if he needs it. Now over to my final words for this presidential period. Very sorry for the long post. Bare with me.

Thank you Norway - Thank you friends and allies

During my time as president, I've received a lot of help and I won't be able to list them all. We've been lucky enough to get help from various strong players, military units (you know who you are), friendly and allied nations and also our brotherhood, EDEN. For all of this I am grateful and I humbly thank you all for your help.

I would also like to thank some nation; Finland, Denmark, Greece, Romania, China, Ireland, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Bulgaria, USA, Russia. I bet there are other nations who have supported us in the MPP battles against our occupants. I've had several positive interactions with all of these nations, and I hereby hail them all!

In my two consecutive periods, I've been lucky to have great helpers in my cabinet. A president without a helpful cabinet will have his hands full, so without the help and cooperation of my fellow players, my job would have been a lot harder. With the risk of forgetting someone, I feel an urge to give respect to Che Kukaken, taulen, Endymionis, Stakerauo, Fredrikz and SirGG. Your work has not gone by unnoticed, I am sure. In addition to my cabinets, we've been getting a lot of help from loyal citizens of Norway, both with administration and donations of food and weapons. Well played!

Sweden - Our nemesis
I'll be the first to admit my deepest disappointment in what happened during last Congress election. Whatever trust were efficiently torn down. The true beast revealed itself, and even if time will heal all wounds, we will have to live with the scar for some time. Right now, we are officially not accepting Sweden's occupation of our regions. We support RW in any Norwegian region. The attack on Svealand yesterday was not something we intended to win, but I know a lot of EDEN nations fought for us. We've made it clear how bad things turned out for us after the military and PTO attack on us. Prior to the attack, I were involved in some discussions with the president of Sweden and Denmark, along with the Defense Ministers. Sweden asked for peace negotiations, obviously as a reaction of the Romanian threat. Getting on our sweater side now is tactically smart, but if we were to make any deals, how the heck are we to trust Parsons and Lonestar after what happened one week ago? No offense, but action speaks louder than words. Needless to say, this will be one of the biggest questions the next Norwegian president needs to ask himself. As I write this, we're discussing recent events in our common channel #escandinavia. I realize a lot of the decisions made in Sweden are made without the broader set of politicians involved, but I would advice Sweden to think in longer terms than days or weeks. If we are "friends" in between elections, only for Sweden to turn frenzy on us during election, then I don't see the point of discussing anything. That is my honest opinion, and anyone who knows me as a player, knows that I have a tendency to tell the truth.

Norway is becoming a Serbian sub-nation
This game is unbalanced when it comes to the number of players in the various nations. Some nations have tens of thousands of players (or bots). Other nations have just a few thousand. Norway is one of those with just a few hundred players. So basically, we're more or less an easy prey for a group of players who wants to make that nation their own. They can infiltrate our Congress, take the president seat, do with the nation as they like. It could be for the medals and achievements. It could be for tactical purposes. It could be for the lulz.

We know there is a group of serbian players who have the intention of taking more congress seats and also the president seat. They will attempt to achieve this during the upcoming months. We are dependent on vigilant and observant players in Norway to make this as hard as possible for them. We're also dependent on help from our friends and allies. Some of them are already in our congress, by the help of Sweden, I might add (just to rub it in one more time xD).

Today I proposed the trading embargo to Serbia from Norway, and I intend to smoke out the traitors, or at least count them. I can tell you right now, Norway will primarily contain of Norwegians. Secondly, we will always have foreign players in Norway being part of our Congress and political scene. We will have loyal soliders in Norway from abroad. They will take part of our community, and they will be our friends. They will communicate with us in English, and post articles in English in order for us to read and enjoy them. I do not want Norway to become something else than what I just described. I've said it before, and I'll say it again; if you're a player who wants to take part of the politics in Norway, get on our forum, communicate with us in English, and that is all there is too it. I will not accept a foreign president who win the election based on threats or buying votes.

Prospects for the future
There are various scenarious that would work for us, as an eNation with a future. If they involve Sweden depends on their ability to think out of the "ONE-box". Right now, I'd rather have Finland, Russia or even Romania hold our regions instead, but it won't be my decision to make. But the ones we can trust are the ones loyal to EDEN firstmost. Have no illusions, Sweden will care for their own profit, and since this game have no mechanisms to protect any deals made between Norway and Sweden, it boils down to each players interpretation of honor and fair play. Regardless of how bad we are beaten on the battlefields, we strive to maintain a positive and viral community. The social aspect of eRepublik is the only thing that makes me want to keep playing it. My allegance remains with our friends and allies, our brotherhood, EDEN.

Hail Norway!
Hail Terra!
Hail the brotherhood!
Hail EDEN!

Thank you for reading (as if you did)!

President of Norway
Tommy / Cherub