Farewell from a Veteran

Day 974, 01:12 Published in South Africa South Africa by Azreal

So for me the time has come to leave erepublik. After playing for just over a year the ignorance of the admins and my distaste for the new war module has driven me to find an alternative game to bide my time with. I will never again be playing an Online Browser based strategy game just because it will take years for a decent one to come up. So I have decided to go towards a client based fantasy game with a free server in South Africa 🙂

It has been a joy to be part of eSouth Africa and to be able to be a part of various rebellions to get her back into the hands of the true eSouth Africans. Even with all the infighting and issues that have come up over the past year they have always been sorted out when we were PTOd and we would stand strong for a term or two after that. The eSAAF have always been there for me and I have seen new players rise up and become great players in eSA. It has been an honor to work with all of them and help them in even the smallest way to reach their goals. I have made a lot of friends and I will miss most of them a lot.

My views on the issues with the admins are pretty disturbing as the basics of being a client on erepublik are not being followed. We should not be begging the admins to ban cheaters! We should not have a Ministry dedicated to pointing out multis or have dozens of people reporting daily to have them banned! This current PTO of eSA, eAustralia and eMalaysia is disgusting just because the admins aren't doing anything about these cheaters and it is making the game very very unpleasant. Also news I've heard about admins not wanting to ban multis because it adds to their user count was rather disturbing.

With regret I have to say farewell and I do hope you all learn to get along or FIFO 🙂 I will be hanging around the rooms for the next few days and help carry over the Pretorian Guard to a proper CO and Majors. The erep meet on Saturday will also be the last one that I will be attending. Please do not ask me for my gold or assets since I am handing all of it over to my RL brother Stagnation.

I wish the best for all of you and I hope things work out 🙂


Free Citizen Azreal

Commanding Officer of the Pretorian Guard (eSA Homeguard) - 10/10/09 - *
Member of the eSA Military High Council - 21/02/10 - *
Lt. eUS Airborne 82nd/2nd - 01/06/10 - *

3x Congressman in Limpopo, eSA (3rd Republic)
Pvt. eUS Airborne 11th/4th - 21/02/10 - 12/04/10
Sgt. eUS Airborne 11th/4th - 12/04/10 - 01/06/10