Fabius? More like Bro...bius?

Day 987, 19:41 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles

Anyways yeah. I'm pretty sure over the next few days we'll see a substantial misinformation campaign from elements trying to lead our Croatian ATO effort astray, so I wanted to throw out a quick article on stuff you should know:

1) Fabius is the actual Croatian candidate and a p cool guy. You should move to Croatia to vote for him. Lipec is Serbian. You should not listen to people telling you to vote for him.

2) Moving to Croatia is a 3 distance hop. Plan accordingly. If you cannot afford the moving ticket, comment in this article and I can try to help you (but I have limited funding), or send a PM to SAC

3) You can move back to the eUS immediately after getting Croatian citizenship and still vote in the Croatian election on the 5th provided you do not apply for American Citizenship when you return home.

4) You can move to Croatia and vote any time before midnight of August 5th (server time) and still get citizenship

5) American elections have been pre-determined by a primary election process. Voting stateside is pretty much a waste of a vote, so there's literally nothing to gain by not helping our allies out here.

6) If you PM SAC informing them that you intend on going to help with the ATO effort, you can get your American Citizenship back upon request as well as get moving tickets to move there/back.

7) With that in mind, you should seriously consider keeping your Croatian citizenship indefinitely. Political warfare is not won in individual battles, but are in fact wars of attrition. Keeping your citizenship now may save a future election in which its much harder to get citizenships handed out.

😎 The ballot box is the one place where you are as powerful as a beta giant, take advantage of it!
