Empires are rising! YOU will make them fall!

Day 2,191, 22:20 Published in South Africa South Africa by Saffa Manne

Just received this notification via email:

For too long your country has been ruled or bullied by foreign nations.
The time for freedom is now! And here is why:

Empires are rising! YOU will make them fall!
Starting tomorrow, big countries will become Empires. But you will make them crumble using two simple rules.

- Smaller countries receive a bonus against invaders
Because small, patriotic armies fight for their own homes - invaders will always be foreigners on a hostile land.

- The bonus grows epic for regions kept under a long occupation
Because a nation under foreign occupation is a bomb waiting to explode, as people get more and more fed up with tyranny and oppression. And the bomb explodes tomorrow!

Reminds me a little of Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope

"A long time ago in an eUniverse far, far away" a group of Freedom Fighters (with shiny medals) plot to destroy a devastating weapon called the MU of DEATH created by a dominant, oppressive Empire.

For years small countries have been oppressed but over time the rebellion has been growing, slowly, underground whispered words of "Freedom!", "Hope!" and "It's about friggin' time!" have been heard. Someone said, "The Bonus is coming! It's growing stronger everyday!"

For now, we wait... for the Rebellion!