Election are Nigh

Day 2,480, 23:18 Published in Australia Australia by An Australian Man

Indeed they are Title.

And we have 3 contenders that could take the crown (it's obvious who i am referring to) and to celebrate, there will be regular updates throughout eRep day 2481 (expect during 11pm to about 6:45am for sleep (not a bot) Sydney time and agian from 8AM to 12:45 do to sporting commitments). And as well as Australia Votes, i will be having a look around the world as well. So plenty to look forward to tonight/tomorrow.

See you soon

Update 00:13 eRep


4 each to Infowar and Molly Jo
1 to Jon

New Update for 3:12

15 votes to Molly Jo (38.46😵
13 votes to Infowar (33.33😵
10 votes to Jon Williamson (25.64😵
1 to the Reform Guy