eColombia, Congress, PACMEN and Zombies

Day 1,170, 03:25 Published in Philippines Philippines by Heneral Luna
eColombia "The Giant" was Beaten by the "Small but Terrible" ePhilippines

At the start of the war the eColombians are high in moral that they are already planning on how they will exploit the natural resources of ePhilippines. The battle erupted and the god of war favors them but after sometime they did not know what struck them. Soldiers around the world flocked in ePhilippines and fought with them until they succeed in the so called "Defense of Visayas."

The story did not end there, now its time for revenge. Its the Philippines turn to expand their territory and they aimed for the Pacifica. The battle was close but ePhilippines together with it allies gain the sweet victory.


PACMEN *updates*

I am the new captain of Training Corps-TD-BC. All soldiers under my command needs to send me a message in order for me to give you war supplies. Thanks.

Congress Update

I've voted in all the proposals suggested. Here are my stand in some of the proposals (for transparency purposes)

I've voted "NO" in the proposal that wants to impeached our very hardworking president. I've already stated why I did not support it, simply because he is hardworking.

I've voted "YES" in the mutual protection pact with eUSA and in our conquest in Pacifica we benefited from it.

I've voted "YES" in making eColombia our NE. They were first, anyways. We also need to do this for precautionary measures.

Philippines Zombie Party

Want to become a zombie, just like me? If yes join us now!

By the way, we also have our own forum. Why don't you come and visit us? The zombies are waiting for you!

Thats it for now... 🙂

Tracey Mendoza
-Congress Member
-Zombie Party Recruitment Director
-Captain of Training Corps-TD-BC

-the voice of the eFilipinos-