eAus Military: How to be a part of it?

Day 573, 02:06 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Defence Department

Good Evening

There has been some discussion around how the Dropbears and Australian Commando Unit - Koalas (ACUK) are recruited. So, this article details how it works, and how you can apply to be a member of our elite fighting forces if you think you would make the cut.

Dropbears Eligibility Requirements

You cannot be 'landlocked' - ie hold office in Government, or in a Political Party in eRepublik. This is because you may need to 'move' from Australia to fight in a war (such as the recent Resistance War for Tasmania).

Out of all those who apply, you MUST be in the Top 32 in terms of Damage you can deal in an attack. To let you know, at the moment the lowest Dropbears avareage around 100 damage with a Q5 Weapon. To figure out how much Damage you can deal, there are a number of places you can check (for example, SEE HERE for a calculator].

ACUK Eligibility Requirements

ACUK can be 'landlocked' to be eligible. Of those who apply, they are the NEXT Top 32 in terms of Damage dealt in an Attack. While those who are not landlocked may be called upon to move for battle, they also are a strong homeland defence force.


It should be noted, to be a member of the Dropbears OR ACUK you need to be very active in the Game and on the Forums. In the event of a real war scenario, you will need to answer the call to arms - and, be available for more 'scheduled' events such as future Resistance Wars or alliances with other Nations. There are regular roll calls for both of these Groups - if you miss two in a row, without approved leave, you are likely to lose your place!


If you are a Dropbear, you will receive:

2 or 4 Q1 weapons depending on whether you work for a Government Company. This is dependent on whether you are in an approved and ACTIVE Battle Zone and whether you are wearing your Dropbear Uniform (supplied when you join). This recognises your active involvement, as well as provides support for continued increase towards your next 'rank' in Game.

If you are an ACUK, you will receive:

1 or 3 Q1 weapons depending on whether you work for a Government Company. This is dependent on whether you are in an approved and ACTIVE Battle Zone. Again, this recognises your active involvement, as well as provides support for continued increase towards your next 'rank' in Game.

Question time:

How do I apply?

Once a month, we will have an intake process for people to be considered members of the Dropbears or the ACUK. Applications will open on the 19th of each Month, and will close on the 26th of each Month. If you are a current Dropbear or member of the ACUK, you need not reapply. You must supply your eRepublik Name, your Profile Number, whether you are 'landlocked', and confirm you understand you need to answer roll calls on the forum and in game, and be available to fight for eAustralia as required.

If you qualify as a Dropbear or ACUK, you will be advised in Game and on the Forums.

What happens if I am no longer a Dropbear or ACUK?

If you no longer qualify as one of the top 32 Dropbears, or ACUK you will also be advised after each intake round. If you are a Dropbear and no longer qualify, you will be given the option of moving to the ACUK. If you are ACUK and no longer qualify, you will be automatically reassigned to the Australian Citizens Army Reserve (ACAR), and may apply again in future.

I am a member of ACAR - how do I get support?

The eAustralian government is trialling a new scheme called Training Camp (or 'Boot Camp'), available to both ACAR and newer citizens in the broader eAustralian Community. It will support 10 citizens over a 2 weeks period in both helping them understand the mechanics of the War Module, and give them a chance to experience was with Weapons and Moving Tickets to fight overseas as part of their training. At a minimum you will need to be able to fight, demonstrate a level of committment to the game and become a member of the eAustralian Forums (if you aren't already).

Further news on how to apply for this scheme will be available in the next couple of days.