Does spending RL money here make a person a better gamer? Due more respect?

Day 1,913, 00:41 Published in USA USA by Candor

As citizens, players, gamers, should we hold those who spend real life money in this game with any special deference or respect?

Does one's choice to spend real life money make those gamers "investors"?

Should we take into consideration one's expenditure of real life money when choosing our nations leaders?

Are those who spend real life money on this game better gamers? Strategists? Leaders?

I recently had a friend suggest that people who spend real life money should be treated deferentially and with additional respect, that they should be thought of as "protectors of their investments" and therefor prone to additional wisdom. In fact, electing people based on the amount of money they "invest" seems to be something this friend advocates towards.

It isn't entirely silly. There's some merit to the argument. Invested citizens make better citizens. That's the premise in a nut shell I believe, if I'm understanding the argument correctly.

I know I have a few friends who spend hundreds in game annually, and I like them. But I'd never considered them any differently than anyone else, I never considered the expenditure of real life money meritorious certainly.

I've spent a couple hundred bucks over my 3.5 years in game, no big deal. But I never thought I was better than someone who never spent a dime in game, or due less respect than anyone who has spent more than me.

Should we have a game ranking based on money spent in game?

I'd like your thoughts. I'd like your vote! Vote in comments please.

More respect? 1 votes

Same respect? 20 votes

Less respect? 2 votes

UPDATE: Honestly I'm losing count but it seems the wide majority believe that the amount of money someone spends on the game should not have any bearing on the respect the community gives a player.

You're overwhelmingly voting for "same respect".

Weigh in. I'd never, ever considered that someone might think money spenders "special" as gamers and citizens, but apparently some of you do? Enlighten me to this respect we owe these "investors".