do you need an extra (health-)building?

Day 1,463, 10:11 Published in Russia Germany by eisenmutter2

there is a new offer: health-houses for a reduced price

the question now is: do you need an other (health-)house on your land?

lets think about it. as an example we assume that you have 600health max to recover at the moment and you can buy an extra health-building for 50health extra.

what do you get?

before you buy an extra healh-building with max 600health to recover:
you used all your health and if you didnt want to waste any of it you had a max of 6h sleeping time. thats for the 24/7 gamers of us.

if you buy an extra health building:
now you have 650health to recover. that would mean you have like 7h sleeping-time!

and additionally...

you have now 2beds and...

2kitchen and...

2bathrooms and... well you get it.

but you cant use all the rooms at the same time anyway... at daytime you use your health fully if you are online all the time. so the only point of buying an additional health-building is one hour more sleep...

but is this really worth nearly 60gold?

i say: we have the time so there is no NEET for an extra health-building!

and if you are one of these people who dont play 24/7 - i heard some of them really exist - you would have like 50 or 100health more. thats max 200health if youre lucky and log in twice a day... not really worth 60gold either...