Dissent is the Highest Form of Patriotism

Day 1,352, 23:34 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut

As many of you have no doubt seen, I have been declared an Enemy of the State by our fearless leader, Heir Blank Keating. Only a few brave Congressmen have had the courage to vote NO on this absolutely disgusting abuse of executive and legislative power. I must of not gotten the notice that I was on trial for crimes against the state? Oh, that's right.... we don't do things fairly in the eUnited States of America, we just act like immature children and abuse positions while trying to poison the minds of unsuspecting players with political propaganda. As we all know, groupthink ALWAYS is a good idea!*facepalm*

I say this to all eAmericans and all eRepublikans as a whole, that dissent IS the highest form of patriotism as President Thomas Jefferson once said. The true Patriots are the ones who are not afraid to speak up and express their views. It is the tyrants who take whatever measures they deem necessary in order to preserve the status quo and to prevent differing points of view from being heard. We have seen evil men like this take power and commit great atrocities before and now it is happening in the eWorld as well. We must FIGHT against those who wish to bring tyranny to the eWorld and to the eUSA.

Now, let's ask, what are my crimes? Well, firstly they were expressing my real life Christian and conservative beliefs on IRC back in 2009. This was then used as an excuse to not let me ever get too much power in a virtual world which is not even related to real life and then to bring insane amounts of hatred and dirty PTOing tactics into play. This happened numerous times and whenever I left with some of my friends to seek a new life elsewhere they would simply spout off lies about me and call it a "PTO". The only thing I could do was quit the game, and who were they to tell me to do that? So as you can see, it was always a lose-lose situation and no matter what I ever did, it never seemed to matter. I, and my militia fight consistently to defend America, and this is the sort of tactics that are put into practice.

I do not regret anyone I have ever allowed to enter this country. They are good people who are loyal to our nation and are trusted allies. I will not refuse someone due to their ethnic origin. If that makes me a "traitor" in the eyes of the oligarchical elites, then so be it. I would rather be a traitor in their eyes than act in a way which does not honor my beliefs and which violates my conscience. Without our honor, we are not true Americans.

The enemy is within. The enemy always has and always will be INCI & the Turks. They have managed to infest themselves within the eUSA as a parasite and use our government as their puppet. People like Pfeiffer who have worked against our allies and engaged in countless PTO's are given allegedly important roles within our government. This is a national disgrace. Blank Keating has shown his true colors. Anyone with any higher brain function should be able to see right through this charade.

Remember that the way you conduct yourself on eRepublik, the way you treat others, and the side you fight on shows who you are as an individual. You can fight the good fight and defend what it means to be an American, regardless of your real life nationality. You can fight for freedom, for liberty, for freedom of thought and expression, and for what so many of our forefathers fought and died for on distant beaches and on native soil or you can believe and fight for the same people who have no respect for what it means to be an American and whose actions speak volumes about their character as players and as human beings. The choice is yours:

In Liberty,
Pizza The Hut
General of the Army *****
American Eagle Division
Former Party President
Former Congressman
Former 1st in line to the American Presidency