Deja Vu

Day 918, 20:52 Published in USA USA by Jamarcus

It is with a heavy heart that I congradulate Dan Heylin on his win last night. I congradulate all the winners of this month's Congressional elections. I hope the 30th Congress will be far more active than the 29th, for all our sakes. I hope each and every Senator makes good on the promises they made in order to get elected. To set a good example of how leaders are suppossed to act and keep our nation on the right track.

I can't say I'm shocked that I lost. I've lost most of the elections I've run in the US. Heck I've lost two elections this month and they were not preety. It seems the only place that I can make any significant impact on a country or even a party is in a distant on a distant continent. I've had the honor of serving three consecutive Congressional terms, and the honor of serving in four different Presidetial Cabinets. I've been everything from Ambassador to Secretary of Embassies to Minister of Foreign Affairs. It sounds like I made quite a career overseas doesn't it? Then why do I keep coming back? It can't be for the freedom from constant trolling. It can't be for the chance to build the next powerhouse political party. It can't be for the intellegent discussions we routinely have on our forums. It can't be for the thousands of loyal and adoring fans. It can't be for the thousands of potential subcribers. The thing that keeps me coming back to this hell hole is the fact that I love being an American.

I may have a bright future halfway around the world, but this is where I was born. I joined because I wanted to fulfill my American dream in America. I will be celebrating two years of eRep in September, and after 720 days of playing this game there are only two options left.
1. Retire for good
2. Keep on playing

I would love to continue, however this is a game, and games are meant to be fun. When a game ceases to be fun, it's time too let go and move on. I hope this game gives me a reason to keep coming back, because I doubt I could stand writting a goodbye article. To be honest no one would read it anyway. Kind of like how this one won't be read. Story of my eLife.

Proud American Independent