DB-PF Supporting Al Kazar

Day 1,839, 09:04 Published in South Africa Bolivia by atrawall

As many of you have seen by now, the "Claudio - Tenshibo" CP run is no more.

Al Kazar contacted the members of the Dignity Brigade and let us know the goals he has as CP. He let us in on some plans, as well as some broad ideas. He also expressed that the DB-PF could greatly help him accomplish this goal and that by helping him on his campaign, he has many ideas that will appeal to us.

I decided to jump headfirst into this campaign and told Al that I would like to be Vice President as to help keep the Dignity Brigade Political Faction's wants and needs in mind as well.

Al welcomed me to the campaign and it looks as though the DB-PF and the Liberty Legion will be working together on this.

An "Al Kazar - Claudio Kilgannon" ticket looks great to me.

For Liberty!
With Dignity!

Vote Al & Claudio!