Current Event Analysis in the UK

Day 257, 08:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

So, for the last couple of days I have been sitting back, reading old things here and trying to figure out where the UK sits on the whole. I always thought the UK was well organized and all that, but here's what I have found thus far:

Trade Unions Starting to Form

So, the accounts have been made and the Unions have been formed. My questions are this:

1. What are the Unions actually going to do, besides charge membership dues? I havent seen anywhere that anyone has talked about an actual process.

2. What are the Unions for? What types of "unfair working environments" are we trying to fix?

3. Who's allowed to join? I have skills in 4 industries, which Union would I be in? Also, how much are the dues? What is the money used for? Who's in charge of it? When do Union elections take place and how often?

I think those are fairly basic questions, and until they get answered I think I'll hang on to my membership application. How many of us want to pay GBP to a Union that we arent familiar with?

Political Race in the UK

Do we have a current list of those interested in Party Elections on the 10th for each Party (and I am talking serious lists, not just people who stood for them because they could)? One thing I have found, outside of the surprising amount of votes that Katie received in the elections is that the race in the UK is rather dull. Gone have been the days since Kaleb battled 94asm to a tie. Now, we follow leaders (not saying anything bad about KIA or FD, I think they've done fantastic) rather than fight to be one.

As far as I can tell, the only three major players here politically now are the UKRP, PCP, and Belgium Party. TUP had a good run with FD at it's head but members starting jumping ship.

On a similar note, why is it that just about every manifesto looks eerily similar to each other? We had the same problem in the States a couple of months ago, but honestly, outside of the fact that one of your parties is named Communist (when in all reality I dont think it comes close to Communism) everyone is fighting for the same thing. Where's the difference of opinion on the HOW? There's a hundred ways to do things, but we all seem to want to do them in one manner. Putting our eggs in one basket will come back to haunt us.

Political Situation in Ireland

So, Ireland got taken over by some ex-Pat Romanians who are at odds with their own government and country. What can we do about it in the UK?

Well, we have several options.

The first, which has already begun, is the boycott of all things the new Government has begun. The upside is that it will kill whatever production value the Romanian group has, high skill levels or not. Their economy will not produce goods and their government will suffer because of it. The downside is they'll still be able to produce enough on their own to survive. Not sure how much fun they'll have in doing this, but they wont die because of the Irish's dislike of them.

The second would be military action, and the third would be to do nothing and wait until we can all gather in Ireland for the next elections. They dont have the National Gold, Currency (I think I saw them remove it), and SO's so it's more like they have simply been suspended until the next elections anyhow.

I am sure they'll figure out what to do, but as I see it those are our options.

Introductions Part 1

Well a long time friend of mine has arrived in the UK. His name is Apu (with a long last name I never get right), and he is also my business partner (albeit silent) in the Colorado Savings and Loan. I would appreciate a warm welcome, as he has also already received a job. He's not quite as talkative as I am, but certainly a good chap to know.

