Croatia, Always Under Attack

Day 857, 18:18 Published in USA USA by JmanTizzle
'Why oh why?'- JmanTizzle
1: Croatia, Always Under Attack
2: Organization

Croatia, Always Under Attack

Its like every time I look at the homepage of eRepublik, I see Croatia is under attack. Is this a popular area to control? Or do people just want to mess with us because they think we are just that easy to mess with?

I don't like it when we have to keep on fighting for an area that people want from us. But, thats just the way it goes in this game, and real life. People want things and they will do anything to have it.
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My organization 'Ooglie Booglie' will soon be taking this newspaper. So, I don't think it will be a huge change but, I don't know.