Crack Baby News - S01, E03 - Saturday, 20:00 eRep

Day 1,095, 21:02 Published in USA Australia by Justin McCravok

Some eRep podcasts have cool guests. Some eRep podcasts have an awesome pair of hosts. Some eRep podcasts have entertainment and high value.

Hey, 1/2 out of 3 isn't too bad.

Some eRep podcasts have entertainment. Hey, what can I say, it's true: some eRep podcasts do have entertainment. But are they as entertaining as Crack Baby News? They might be, but let me just have this one, k?

Crack Baby News, or CBN, is an eRep based podcast hosted on BlogTalkRadio. Focusing mainly on entertainment and trololololing, CBN tries to keep every discussion as interesting as possible. How do I do it? Easy: Random questions about the subject, quick answers, move on to the next thing on the agenda, with some callers and trivia thrown in somewhere.

Think of it as a fast paced , modern-day Comedy-Action movie, but in the form of only sound and about eRepublik.

The third episode of Crack Baby News airs on Saturday, November 21st, at 20:00 eRep. The official IRC channel is #CBN on the Rizon network, where you can join and chat during the show with all the cool eRepublicans who will be participating.

We'll be hosting a trivia night. Everyone can participate, so you should tune in, k?

I'm not anticipating a huge turn out, and I'll be honest, the second show didn't even get close to living up to my expectations (a whopping 10 listeners)...but you know what, frack all of you, I'm doing it anyways.

Here are a few good links: One links to the official #CBN irc channel, and another links to The Crack Baby News BTR Show Page 😉