
Day 1,721, 16:00 Published in USA USA by Civil Anarchy

~I’ve always had a soft spot for this kind of music

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. - President John F. Kennedy.

Last night’s election was one of the closest that we’ve seen in quite some time. Out of almost 3200 votes, only a 41 vote margin existed in between myself and Glove. The last few hours of the election brought hope, pushing the margin as close as 26, but it simply wasn’t enough to turn the tides in the end. I have to say, I’ve never gone back and forth between elation and despair quite so many times in one day. The feeling of seeing so many people supporting me, through articles, shouts, IRC, or just a simple private message of confidence is indescribable. The amount of dedication, enthusiasm, and sheer force of will that these people exhibited was overwhelming, and I truly cannot thank those who gave their sweat and blood towards the ideals that I stand for. Always remember that you have my thanks, and I will always be there to help you in return. I’m only a message away. Yet before we return to our normal lives, back to our companies, our parties, and our MUs, I still have one request that I have to make to you. And sadly, that request involves sacrifice.

In addition to the happiness I felt seeing my friends and allies show their support for my campaign, one could not help but taking notice of the horrendous tactics used in the last elections. I have never been so disgusted and filled with contempt at the practices used by the opposing camp to win this election. From photoshopping messages of me with the Polish President, to accusations of being the Serbian controlled President, to last minute mass mailing accusing me of creating Multis to try and win the election, I can state emphatically that I truly hope we will never see an election with these tactics again. I don’t believe, personally, that these actions were perpetuated by Glove himself, but rather, by a group of individuals who were, by association, aligned with him. Nevertheless, while I am unsure we can truly state that we’ve had clean elections in the past, I hope we can avoid these moves in the future, lest we allow our political process to fall in a state of disrepute and chaos, wherein accusations of false planks and doctored stances stake the main stage in choosing a candidate.

I know for a fact that many who saw these practices have spoken out against them, and some have professed intentions to take the stance of some others previously in the month, refusing to fight for the USA, refusing to participate politically, and refusing to even remain in the country. I can understand why people feel that way, and why they feel justified in taking that stance, but I have to ask those people to hear me out.

One of the main election issues was the idea of an eUS Civil War. The divide between the community that’s been created over the last few months. While I wouldn’t go as far as calling it a war, we can all see that it exists, and we can all see that it’s simply going to be perpetuated by an us vs. them mentality. Choosing to sit out of country affairs just because your candidate lost is not the American thing to do. We can sit here all day looking at the past five days with disdain, with accusations, and with contempt. Yet it won’t change anything, and in the end, it’s only going to hurt us as a country.

In one of my previous articles, I told you that I honor my word above all else, and that I have no trouble sacrificing myself for the greater good of the country.
There’s always been a moral side to me in this game, one that I kept dear through these years. I don’t like lying, I don’t like deceit. The past few days have shown a lot of that. A ton of wrong decisions and wrong moves, by people on both sides. I’m tired of it all, tired of the wrong choices being made, tired of the wrong things being done. Above all else, I have an opportunity. I have the chance to make the right choice when no one would fault me for picking the wrong one. I could not continue playing this game if my candidacy was used as a casus belli for the continued division of the community that has kept me here for years. If there’s one thing that I can do with this campaign, one thing I can do to make a loss into a victory, then I can ask you for Convergence. To put aside the partisanship for now, to bury the past, and to move forward in our eLives. Stay with your Military Units, continue fighting for the country, and work with the current Administration, not against it. If I’m asked to serve, then I will serve. It’s always better to work towards something positive than sit on the sidelines and criticize those who try.

We all have a role to play in this life, and this eLife. Sometimes, you just end up playing an unexpected one.

Always do the right thing.

Will you?