Consider This...

Day 508, 10:29 Published in USA USA by American Border Collie

There are a ton of newspapers out there in the eWorl😛 some present actual news, others opinions, a few tackle gripes, and many attack issues. There are also newspapers that are politically motivated by those in power who write them to either communicate with their constituents or win their votes. I'm sorry to ruin your expectations, but this newspaper is none of those.

Why does the eWorld need more of the newspapers in the categories I just listed? If I knew, I wouldn't be asking. All I do know is that I want to provide something of quality that is not just another newspaper with an agenda to achieve. I don't want to cover news or opinions or eWorld-changing issues that everyone has an opinion on. There are plenty of other newspapers to do that. I'm going to instead cover the community.

Your author has been a member of eRepublik for a while now, but never got involved with anyone in the eUSA. Well, not until now. I have been participating in community discussion and banter for a week, and am enjoying it very much. I hope to use the banter I encounter every week as fodder for my future stories, hence the name "All Banter Considered."

However, I first need to write about the many ways one can participate in the eRepublik community. Next week, I will be covering the eUSA forums. Until then, enjoy the conversation!