Congressional Report: 26th July - 8th August

Day 627, 05:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Congressional report including all the proposals that followed the normal legislative procedure, excluding any sensitive legislation, and the on forum voting record for Congress.

Finance Act

Proposal by Hassan and Arthur Wellesley

This is a consolidating Act pulling all legislation into one document. - Public Discussion - House of Commons - House of Lords

Voting (HoC) - Passed
Yes: 30
No: 0
Abstain: 0

Voting (HoL) - Deemed Passed
Yes - 6
No - 0
Abs - 0
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
House of Lords Amendment

Proposal by Rastari

Amendment removing HoL's vote on in game proposals. - Public Discussion - House of Commons - House of Lords

Voting (HoC) - Passed
Yes: 15
No: 0
Abs: 5

Voting (HoL) - Rejected
Yes: 0
No: 5
Abs: 0

Voting (HoC) - Passed
Yes: 14
No: 2
Abstain: 1

Voting (HoL) - Rejected
Yes: 0
No: 5
Abs: 0

Voting (HoC) - Passed
Yes: 16
No: 4
Abs: 9

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
Creation of Gifting Communes

Proposal by Mr Woldy

provide jobs for skill 0 citizens, to help alleviate the work done by the gifting director - Public Discussion - House of Commons - House of Lords

Voting (HoC) - Passed
Yes: 18
No: 5
Abstain: 0

Voting (HoL) - Rejected
Yes: 0
No: 6
Abs: 0

- Bounced back and in House of Commons again

The Ministry of Trade Act

Proposal by: Frank Furglar, Iain Keers

Legislation encompassing all activities to be carried out be the Ministry of Trade - Public Discussion - House of Commons

Vote - Vetoed by Prime Minister - Rejected.


HoL Amendment - Houses Combination

Proposal by Deilos and Scipio

Allowing both Houses to discuss and vote on legislation to speed up the process - PD - HoC - HoL

Voting (HoC) - Passed
Yes: 9
No: 8
Abstain: 6

Voting (HoL) - Passed
Yes: 5
No: 1
Abs: 0

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
Repealing the Public Inquiry Act

Proposal by Malta - PD - Parliament Discussion

Voting(HoC) - Passed
Yes: 14
No: 11
Abs: 0

Voting(HoL) - Passed
Yes - 3
No - 0
Abs - 3
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
HoL Review - Skilled Workers Scheme

Proposal by Deilos

Every month House of Lords can review a piece of legislation to amend it the pass to Commons for voting - House of Lords Discussion - House of Commons discussion

Voting (HoL) - Passed
Yes - 4
No - 0
Abs - 2

Voting(HoC) - Passed

Yes 24
No 0
Abs 0
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
Bill Abolishment

Proposal by Malta

To remove the Foreign Exchange Programme, GM Gifting Scheme, Young Company Apprenticeship Programme and Belgian Independence Agreement - PD - HoC discussion - HoL discussion

Vote (HoC) -Passed
Yes: 16
No: 0
Abstain: 0

Vote (HoL) - Deemed Pass
Yes - 3
No - 0
Abs - 1
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Congressional Attendance 27/7/09 - 8/8/09

NOTE: This is the FULL CONGRESSIONAL ATTENDANCE for this term. These reports only include votes made on forum.

AltmerVampire - 100%
Catterick - 100%
Craig Rossiter - 100%
Davott - 100%
Final Destiny - 100%
Karacticus - 100%
Lord Lewis Von Cromwell - 100%
Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar - 100%
Stefan1992 - 100%
bowen199 - 83.3%
John Bartlett - 83.3%
LordJustice - 83.3%
lxbrtldisaad - 83.3%
MiloMan - 83.3%
Necrosis - 83.3%
Nicolae Carpathia - 83.3%
Ariella Foxtrot - 66.6%
Dodgy Dude - 66.6%
Frank Furglar - 66.6% (quit)
Hethor - 66.6%
Johnobrow Dadds - 66.6%
Meghan - 66.6% (quit)
Mr Woldy - 66.6%
ROBERT W - 66.6%
Autochthon Scion - 50%
busynurse1510 - 50%
Iain Keers - 50%
Kumnaa - 50%
Lord Weiis - 50%
Silent_Hero - 50%
John Forseti - 33.3%
Saint Benedict - 33.3%
Wossoo - 33.3%
Alex Hylton - 16.6%
candyman82 - 16.6%
Caoimhin MacFie - 16.6%
certacito - 16.6%
Gary Beacons - 16.6%
Sir Graystar - 16.6%
wyli - 16.6%
Kalyse - 0%
Marcus Wyclif - 0% (quit)
MattLocke - 0%
Maverick8789 - 0%
rastari - 0%
shadowukcs - 0% (has no access)

Cheers m'dears,
MoIE Apprentice