Congress Roundup (March) - They Represent You!

Day 5,602, 05:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr Woldy

Good afternoon politicos and publicos.

Here is your advance notice that 25th of the month is almost upon us! The e-entire e-world will take to the e-polls to elect their respective e-Congresses. But what's Congress for? And what do I get by voting? Worry not Citizen-Scientist, skip to the below section if you feel you want it explained in unnecessary and potentially unwanted detail.

I am reaching the end of my first modern term of being modern speaker and as such I have put together a participation report reflecting the degree to which Congress as a whole (not as individuals!) have engaged in discussion and votes, and in particular also reflecting their activities for motion and discussions that have taken place on the National Feed or in Private Messages as well as that which the public can see via the country administration page.

This month Congress had a lengthy discussion about how to organise itself which was formalised by a series of votes. This has reformed each Congress as a self contained unit and created a form of words to open Congress message threads with which lays out the guidelines and invites representatives to re-affirm and/or debate them. (Turns out if you wanted to get motions passed you just needed a UKRP sleeper agent to propose them for you! Bosh*!)

Fun and games aside the below tables show the % of Congresspeoples in each party who engaged in debates and votes over March.

% Participation

There is also a breakdown of voting for motions which were not voted on via the country admin module (breakdowns for which can be found on the country administration page or usually in Keithunder's Paper).

Vote Spread of Feed/PM votes

Note on methodology - participation is based on whether a contribution was made to a debate and/or voted on. In some instances (specifically Citizenship discussions) the debate and vote are usually indistinguishable and so these have been consolidated. Anyone who commented as part of a debate has been counted, and the percentage is a reflection of individual contributors and not the number of comments/size/nature of their contribution. This is in the interests of compiling and sharing info and ultimately encouraging engagement and is presented without any comment or judgment from myself. I am happy to answer Q's or take feedback via comments or PM's, just get in touch.

I realise there's a couple of days of the present term left so shall update the infographics if there are further votes (no doubt I have jinxed it saying this) and keep a record of the final stats in the elusive Congress Archive.

Voting 1-0-1! or... the quick list of why you should vote.

Voting gets you 5 EXPERIENCE POINTS!, wow, 5. Any adult citizen can vote, and we can all feel fuzzy inside if our turnout twitches slightly.

Voting also determines WHO ENDS UP IN CONGRESS!, no surprises there. But it may influence your choice based on the engagement or demeanour of a particular party.

You CAN GET ELECTED TOO! The top 5 parties can elect Congressmen so pick one of those and they may run you (the PP positions you on the party list). Typically there are 40 Congresspeople.

Congress HAVE BUTTONS! They can use them to do laws. These include donating currency to orgs, converting gold to currency, fiddling around with taxes and minimum wage, setting natural enemy or launching airstrikes (or signing MPP's and approving peace, if you're an optimist) and even impeaching the President. They can also provide citizenship to applicants.

Congress HAS OTHER BUTTONS, a whole keyboard full, which they use to discuss what is what, how things might run or to point at things they don't like, and theoretically stop them. Congress is, in game terms, where accountability meets mouse clicks and so this part of Congress life is pretty important (especially when things go wonky*** ).

So on Saturday the 5th remember to VOTE. And if I have failed to convince yo-VOTE. Gotcha.

A desperate use of generic clipart to break up text

Lastly - one final and vital plug! There is still time to enter the Spamican Portrait Competition - anyone can enter. Don't be put off by Rory's excellent entry, you never know if the judges might find it uninspired/a forgery.

Thanks for reading and I hope this is insightful to the inquisitive of mind!
Mr Woldy

Years ago I was asked to be King of the eUK. Regardless of that institution no longer (formally) existing I marked it by establishing a few charity schemes to encourage newer players to get involved. These schemes are still running Feel free to message me for some free stuff if you are level 1-50 and meet any of the following criteria:

Woldy's Urban Achievers - Food and guns rewarded for: Publishing an article; being elected into any position; being awarded any medal.

Royal Writers: 150 GBP for publishing an article in the eUK and an extra 300 GBP for any article you write that reaches ten or more votes. Just message me your article links.

Woldy's Warriors: Start up kit of Guns and food for anyone who feels like they don't pack a big enough punch. Simply message and ask for some boomsticks.


*Brilliant example of a joke.**
**Or is it?
***first example of wonkiness I could find - I forgot all that happened!