Congress Life, so far.

Day 861, 14:31 Published in South Africa USA by Merle Corey

I'll keep this one short and sweet - I've been voting for each proposal as it comes up - there hasn't been any real dissension, and the proposals aren't controversial.

For those who dont know, each congress person gets to propose 2 laws/changes each month, so we have a total of 20 things we can propose. Greyhunter, as CP, can propose more/different things than we can as congresspersons.

I used one of my proposals at Lazer_Fazer's request (he's the minister of finance - the budget guy) to move some 2100 ARS from the country accounts to the RBSA so that we could convert them into usable gold/ZAR. So I still have one left. I expect that we'll be using most of the congress proposals to change taxes and the like - we need to ensure a steady revenue stream for the government. Please comment on the proposals in the National Assembly part of the forums - its the best way to get your voice heard.

Or send me a PM here or in the forums.
