Concurs Literar – eIstoriile lui Plato

Day 3,648, 12:33 Published in Romania Romania by Brainstorming Party ORG

Brain Party are deosebita placere de a va invita la cea de a XXII-a editie a Concursului Literar Brain, dedicata sarbatoritului Plato. Ii uram multi ani buni si frumosi de acum inainte! Este imposibil sa nu aveti o poveste pentru gazda noastra cu aceasta ocazie, nu-i asa? Nu ma indoiesc ca fiecare are amintiri legate de batalii epice, strategii glorioase, prieteni vechi, intalniri cu persoane speciale pe chat sau in fata unei bauturi mai mult sau mai putin alcoolice.

Concursul se adreseaza tuturor vorbitorilor de Limba Romana, indiferent de eCetatenie, dar este deschis si celor care vor sa povesteasca in limba engleza, indiferent din ce eTara provin. Aveti toata libertatea de exprimare disponibila (in limitele regulilor eRepublik!), prin urmare va puteti inscrie cu versuri, proza, imagini, material video care sa ne spuna care ar fi eIstoria pe care i-ai povesti-o lui Plato.

[EN] Brain Party has the great pleasure of inviting you to the XXII nd edition of Brainstorming Party for Writers Literary Contest, dedicated to Plato's 10th anniversary. We wish him many good and beautiful years from now on, and think we all should have something nice to tell our host on this occasion!
No doubt, everyone has memories of epic battles, glorious strategies, old friends, meetings with special people on chat or in front of a more or less alcoholic beverage.

The contest is addressed to all Romanian speakers but also open to those who want to write in English, regardless the eCitizenship. The goal is to get to know each other better and communicate, beyond the clicks in the game.
You have all the freedom of expression available (within the limits of eRepublik laws!), so you can enter lyrics, prose, pictures, video to let us know which eRepublik story would you tell Plato.

Veti avea 10 zile la dispozitie pentru a scrie articolul pentru concurs, mai precis din ziua 3,648 (15 noiembrie) pana in ziua 3,658; jurizarea va dura pana la sfarsitul zilei 3,662 iar premierea va avea loc in ziua 3,664. Juriul este convocat, dar, conform traditiei, secret. Cititorii sunt invitati, de asemenea, sa isi sustina articolele favorite - vom publica un articol dedicat votului publicului dupa incheierea inscrierilor.

[EN] You will have 10 days to write the article for the contest, namely from eDay 3,648 (November 15th) to eDay 3,658; the judging will last until the end of the eDay 3,662 and the awards ceremony will take place on eDay 3,664. The secret jury is summoned. Readers are also invited to support their favorite articles by casting votes in a specially dedicated article.

Inscrierea articolelor (originale, publicate intr-un ziar eRepublik dupa data lansarii concursului) se face printr-un comentariu la acest articol cu link-ul catre opera propusa.
Eventualele contestatii vor fi rezolvate de catre organizatori (secretar: Alina V si trezorier: MarianMIG in litera si spiritul regulamentului Concursului.

[EN] The entry of the articles (original work, published in an eRepublik newspaper after the contest launch date) is made through a comment on this article with the link to the proposed work.
Any appeals will be resolved by the organizers (Secretary: Alina V and treasurer: MarianMIG ) following the Competition Rules.

Premiile editiei sunt / the awards are:
Locul 1 / First Place: 20,000 cc
Locul 2 / Second Place: 15,000 cc
Locul 3 / Third Place: 10,000 cc
Diverse mentiuni / Miscellaneous Mentions

Multumim sponsorilor acestei editii / Thanks to the sponsors of this edition: anda_ro, Clopoyaur, CxAF, IntoOblivion, PRINTSY, visator si, desigur, Plato.

Declaram deschisa Editia a XXII-a a Concursului Literar Brain si va asteptam cu nerabdare inscrierile.

Spor si inspiratie!
Best of luck!