Compensación por el BUG en la dictadura y posterior desplome AS en Europa

Day 4,719, 23:08 Published in Chile Cuba by Hashirama.



Today, it seems early (I had not checked the tickets xD). I got the answer about the error of a few days ago, which then prevented us from landing in Europe through an Air Strike (the idea of ​​the dictatorship was to queue up the next attack, to have a safe trip ...).

I will not show the full ticket because they would ban the article. But I already shared it in our wassap group, so they can analyze the steps to follow, and what they will do when there is a congress to access it.


"We had our developers look at it and it seems indeed that something went wrong with that civil war. As compensation 5 million currency has been credited to Chile's treasury."



El día de hoy, parece que temprano (no había revisado los tickets xD). Llego la respuesta sobre el error de hace unos días, que nos impidió luego aterrizar a Europa a través de un Ataque Aéreo (la idea de la dictadura, era encolar el siguiente ataque, para tener un viaje seguro...).

El tickets completo no lo mostrare porque me prohibirian el articulo. Pero ya lo compartí en nuestro grupo de wassap, para que analicen los pasos a seguir, y que haran cuando haya congreso para acceder a este.


"We had our developers look at it and it seems indeed that something went wrong with that civil war. As compensation 5 million currency has been credited to Chile's treasury."

"Hicimos que nuestros desarrolladores lo examinaran y, de hecho, parece que algo salió mal con esa guerra civil. Como compensación, se han acreditado 5 millones de divisas a la tesorería de Chile."


Mis disculpas a Marito y al vegano de Ceatolei, que fuimos bastantes pesados ese día por culpa finalmente de un bug, es solo un juego finalmente.

Kerimoh DigniN.. !!!
