Citizen Orders - August 23

Day 640, 07:52 Published in USA USA by USA Department of Defense

Citizens of the eUSA:

There are currently no open battles that we can fight in. Hold fire and wait for updated orders.

I have seen many comments recently condemning orders to defend allied regions. The remaining USA regions must be weighed against allied regions for priority. The only region remaining of value is Florida and that is only because it holds nearly all of our population and remaining business (tax base). This is not just an American war. This is a true global conflict. Canada, North Korea, Switzerland and Spain have been willing to sacrifice all their regions for the hope of an allied victory. Can Americans offer no less? We need to accept that our best hope for a future lies in the elimination of our remaining regions to close active wars. We can then begin to rebuild while fighting our opponents one on one with the assistance of our allies. Our allies will be there for us, as we will be there for them. Together, the strength of our unity will prevail.

Today Hungary impeached their war-mongering President. Russia stood in the face of Indonesian pressure to sign peace and Hungary then backed Russia. Why was Russia angry? Because their "friends" in Hungary demanded 6000 gold to release the Urals region that Russia freely gave to Hungary while GLaDOS was president. The eUK is divided now. They see that PEACE has played them and in return for their betrayal of Fortis, they have no Canadian colonies to keep as their 30 pieces of silver. PEACE was more interested in taking more and more for Russia and Hungary than in helping the UK keep their ill-gotten possessions.

The juggernaut is showing the begininng of weakness. We must be persistent. We must be ready to take advantage of their divisions and their diversions. There is hope yet for victory. Stand with our allies now in Croatia and Greece and they will stand with us when we fight for a free America.

Eugene Harlot
General, eUSMC