Chosing an Empress and Red Rain

Day 533, 10:29 Published in Japan Denmark by Oraizan

Now that the presidential elections are over, I will be putting a committee together for the Empress Day! Also, the voting will be on its way.

We all voted on having an Anime Empress, and the nominations so far are:

- Suzumiya Haruhi
- Izumi, Konata
- Nakajima Yōko
- Hinaichigo

I will be starting a poll around 8PM EST, so that gives everybody a little bit more time to put in nominations! To vote on the poll please visit the JForum:

I was thinking, that if this holiday is a HUGE success, I could make an organization. This organization would be dedicated to bringing you events and such things (some with prizes!). This would be an organization run by donations, rather then by gold from Treasury.

What does the public think? Would this be something you would be interested in having?

I think eJapan needs more organized activities, to give eJapan something other then working, training, voting, and logging off. Especially since the Media can get VERY slow.

I will be sending out a new round of surveys very soon, probably on the topic of holidays.

Red Rain
(A little note to science)
I don't know how many people know, but in 2001 there was Red Rain in India, blood red rain. Weird isn't it?

So, why red? First theory was that particles came in on a meteor, and when the meteor deteriorated in the atmosphere the particles from it came down in the rain. So what does this mean? I'll get to this soon.

Many Scientists threw away the theory of a meteor. They decided that it could have came from Alga particles in the Air. This was a little hard to believe, how would particles from plants manage to get high enough into the atmosphere to mix with the rain like they say it did?

Later on one scientist Godfrey Louis proposed that they were extraterrestrial cells, yes alien cells. Is this hard to believe? Some scientists also say that humans are aliens that came to earth on a meteor long ago, so why not? Is a new life trying to make way? There was much controversy over this issue.

Looking under a microscope they noticed that it looked much like a fattened red blood cell, but it was alive.

One of the strongest points for Godfrey was that he claimed it to have no DNA, but it is still alive. It is a known fact that all life on earth has DNA. This lead to strengthening the theory of Panspermia

What is Panspermia? It is the belief that life exists all over the universe. The scientist that created this theory claimed that cells (bacteria) could easily grow and live through space environments. This gives the Red Rain being alien cells, a little more believability.

Where is the proof that bacteria cells can survive in space?

"I always thought the most significant thing that we ever found on the whole goddamn Moon was that little bacteria who came back and lived and nobody ever said shit about it." — Pete Conrad
Thats right! Apparently in 1967 in the April lunar landing they had a camera. 2 years later when they retrieved it, they found bacteria living in the camera. If you would like to have an article on this event send me a PM.

They also say that bacteria has survived 4800 years+ in pyramids, and maybe millions of years in coal.

So, why couldn't the red rain be bacteria from somewhere else? I guess for now we will not be able to know for sure.

If there is a high demand to know more, I will go into better detail in my next article. Otherwise, onto the next topic!

Yay to science, and eJapan!