CAUTION! Troll Zone Ahead.

Day 3,555, 14:39 Published in USA USA by Dariuswolff

Environmental impact statement: 48,482,645,349 electrons were wasted writing this article. Hardly seems worth is when the last article yielded NO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. I might just as well unpack my hurdy-gurdy, hire a new monkey from the talent agency, something which has become increasingly more expensive since the last time I hired a monkey, pick a street corner, one not occupied by drug dealing thugs and or ladies/gents of the night, and beg for money. Not that money is the object, I am blessed with a metric ton of CC in this game, but at least it could be cross calculated for a return against investment on all those heretofore wasted electrons, bless their tiny little souls.

I don't write these articles because I am good at it, they are, after all, only slightly less turgid than the worst novel ever written, but because they are fun to write. I don't have to stick to the spartan style expected by a judge when you're writing a motion, and I can allow my mind to take off on flights of fancy. Nor do I write them to make any significant points. I write them for entertainment purposes only, all in the hope that somehow I will spark a laughing fit for the readers, no matter how much it may hurt those who haven't cracked a smile in decades. Plus there is always the opportunity to make a rotten fruit dish out of the items lovingly tossed at my area of the stage. I'm betting you didn't know that performers could be so frugal.

For the few of you who have made it this far, a reward is due, so here it is. You have my eternal thanks for your patience, and to those of you who make the ultimate sacrifice and subscribe, I may or may not, depending on advice of council, mention you in my will, which I feel is only fair to my creditors since they will now have a new name and address of someone they can try to harass into paying my overdue debts.

Please, everyone have fun and take care of yourselves.

End Troll Zone