Candidacy for CP

Day 2,051, 00:02 Published in Japan Republic of China (Taiwan) by Natsu Natsumee

Good morning,

Some of you already know or saw my candidacy. Most of you know what happened last month. Thx do some coordination problem we had 4 people running for CP and 3 of them had the same goal.
To not make the same mistake this month again, we need to fokus on one eJapanese CP.

So what are my goals?

Foreign Affair:
In the past we had some people complaining that we should go out of CoT. Well I personally don’t think we should leave without thinking about it. So I want to talk with my MoFA and PP what they think.
My second topic will be MPP, atm we have “only” 4 MPPs left and 1 is from TWO. To have daily DOs without moving every day; we need at least 1-2 more MPPs.

Internal Affair:
This doesn’t concern everyone, but I would like to see a better working between DNP and ISP/SOS. At the moment the eJapanese parties need to work together. So I will do my best.

I want to make some minor changes with the ORG Law. Atm, there are some points that should be changed.

Well another “problem” is our Congress. A lot of people don’t visit the Forum; this makes it hard to hear the opinion from every Party or Congress member and the discussion never ends… So I will search for a new method we can use for faster discussion and voting.

And here is my Cabinet:

MoFA: Squibeel
MoS: Aryzn
Mo😨 William of Edenbury
MoIA: Yagami Mii
MoCH: ardishabutaro
MoF: Tarasino

This is my first candidacy for a CP and my first article of this kind. Please don't be too harsh with my bad English and colorless article. If you have any questions, feel free to write me a message.

Ps. Every ULJ, DNP, ISP and Moriya Jinja Member can ask for food and they will get 100 q5 food.