Canadian Civil Defense MU

Day 2,151, 17:37 Published in Canada Poland by TheSmoke
This one is for Tom Joad,

Hello everyone, I can’t promise you nakey woman at the end of this (lost a few readers already) but I can refer you to one of Crisfire’s articles if your day has been a long one!

Recently Canada discussed, debated and voted on the Canadian Civil Defense Act, legislation that is aimed at providing the best military options for Canada. The goal of this Act, and subsequent MU is to provide government funds for important battles according to the MoD and CP. This is done through the Canadian Civil Defense Military Unit, which will be run by either the CP, MoD or dMoD as stated in the Act. Combat Orders will be issued for important battles, as set out by the Act. Instant and direct funding to divisions that need it will be a huge improvement for Canada.

On behalf of the CPF, I would like to thank everyone who contributed their ideas and thoughts to this act. I have talked to our current MoD Klop123 and dMoD Zianni Vaatez about the creation of the Canadian Civil Defense MU, and they are happy to have myself on board as dMoD. As so, I will privately fund the 40 gold required to create a new MU, as well as a donation of $5,000 dollars to the MU account.

Citizens are welcome to join the MU at any time and make a donation to the account, all we ask is that you privately notify the Commander of your donation in order for us to keep proper financial records.

As stated in the act, a financial document must be kept up to date for all CO’s and transactions. As so, I created an online Google Document, available for the public here:

It will also be available on the MU description page for future records. As it stands, the CP, MoD, dMoD and MoF (once chosen) will have edit rights to the Document.

Fight the good fight!
