Can-Am War

Day 1,702, 03:00 Published in USA USA by Eric Vanderberg



I know that whatever I may say, I won't change the arguments and thoughts and opinions of others. I do have to say that im disgusted, saddened, hurt and dismayed at the situation that has unfolded over the last 24 hours.

First off, let me say that I am an American both in Real Life and in game. I serve as Captain of the Smile Squad which makes me a Government official, a Congressman which makes me a Legislative official and a Lt. Colonel in the NG which makes me an Officer and a Gentleman.

On three sides, I see hate spewing, first at Congress then at the JCS then at the President and her cabinet. All of which, I serve either in or with.

Congress on any given day anymore

I understand that a lot of people disagree with what has been dubbed by the President "Operation Canadian Bacon" or the second Can-Am war. Some soldiers, people that I respect are posting threats to go to Canada to defend Canada and fight against their brothers and sisters. For those of you listening to eNPR last night, that idea was indeed announced as a possibility to the world. I understand the anger and frustration of attacking Canada, but to bring about Civil War is not the positive way to bring about change.

Americans vs Americans, not pretty is it

You may hate the idea, you may be screaming, beating war drums and yes planning to go to Canada and fight against your friends and brothers in arms but I ask all of you to stay the course, stay here. Wait it out, choose not to fight if you must but do not make the situation worse. I ask all sides, to stay the course.

I also ask everyone to consider the following:

Do not go to Canada, to fight against your brothers and sisters in arms.
Do not continue to openly profess a need for Civil War

Do we really want this to happen?

The former capital of the United States of America
