Bob Turkee - aka Damien - Disgrace, Dishonor, Disloyal

Day 1,990, 13:41 Published in Norway Norway by T Cherub

For years now, we have fought against one PTO attempt after another. For years, we have made sure only trusted players had access to critical assets. For years, we've worked as a community of players in this social online game.

April 2013, a veteran player in the Norwegian community had the support of our players and won the president election - well deserved. Bob Turkee has been an oldtimer and veteran in this game for years now. Even though he spent a lot of time outside of Norway, he has been returning back once in a while. Supporting him in a president election seemed natural. Personally, I saw no reason to not trust the guy.

And then he figured it was time to show his true intention, his soul and true face. First he tried to move 10G from the national org, which he as president can get access to by the hands of admins. He however had access through the Minister of Finance, who saw no reason not to trust him. Given the 10G per day limitation, the transaction was clearly not enough. Bob then transferred 1.000.000 NOK (around 4500G) to his account. It was discovered by the next day, as we keep records on all transactions - for years. After all, the ones who have been holding the bank, and the presidents for the last periods have all been loyal and trustworthy.

At first, we did not know what to think. Did Bob Turkee (aka Damien Alexander) actually backstab us? We tried to send messages, ingame, on the forum, at Facebook, but no response. Apparently, he was afk - gone, or whatever. But a few days later he dropped by the forum and clearly started to play again. Perhaps he thought it would be all forgotten. It's not - nor is it forgiven. You backstabbed us, and stole from the Norwegian eRepublik community. And this from a guy who apparently is all for World Peace, Amnesty International and fight against injustice?

The only reason I can think of is selfishness. Sure, this is a game, and if you want to be big, strong and rich, you can always get there by playing for yourself. Ignore the social dimension, embrace yourself and ignore others - if it destroys what others have built, who cares, right?
But given this players real life and real life interests, you may wonder if he plays this game mostly to have some place where he can be the exact opposite of what he tries to achieve in real life.

How can we be sure it was Bob Turkee who stole 1 mill NOK? Well, obviously we don't have proof. The only ones who can prove it does not want to tell anything (rea😛 admins). Think and feel what you want about that, but if you want to get stinking rich - become president and transfer all the currency out of the orgs before you get impeached. Also, be prepared to cut ties with any previous eFriends. Not sure why he decided to just steal 1 mill and leave half a mill. Was there a tiny hint of consciousness in his soul?

I can't expose his real name in this article, but we share it among the Norwegian players. It is a real shame - a disgraceful, dishonorable and disloyal act, and I simply don't understand the selfishness. Then again, this game will have givers and takers, just like real life.

A loyal eNorwegian and former 6x President of Norway,
Tommy (aka Cherub) Skaue