BM Aid Charity Event

Day 1,641, 16:04 Published in USA USA by XxBusinessMogulexX


Hello folks. Long time, no see. After a long time without me in the media, the moment of my comeback is right here. You see, as some of you know, I'm retired. And I make decent amount of money and I don't spend it on anything else but training and food. So the good person inside me has decided to give away some of it to the people. But before I continue, I would like to waste your time with some things that are connected to me. You see first I would like to thank to some people that provided me great fun with this game. You see this game is not just a waste of time although it might seem like that. You learn a lot of things, for example, I've learned a lot about economy, politics, I even improved my English. But beside all of that I've met some great people that helped me, taught me and fulfilled my time with joy.Over the years(probably months) I've made a lot of friends and enemies.

First I would like to thank to all of my friends, I don't want to mention any names because I'm really tired and I might forget someone and I don't want someone to be angry at me for that.

I would like to thank the ST6 for helping me built myself as an ePerson and helped me a lot in order to become self-suficient.

The next one I would like to thank is the USWP and the Feds. USWP was the first party I joined, the first party under which I got into congress and they taught me a great amount of politics I know today. Although I left USWP and joined the Feds, I will never forget you. Thank you, Federalist party for treating me like your own right from the begininng and helping me, Thanks!

I would like to thank to all of the people that were part of the Akatski Order a year ago while we were on a spy mission, it was a pleasure to work with you.

The only name I'm going to mention is dSokre. He is sending me a great amount of tanks every week and those tanks made me eRich. I must say Thank you!

Big thanks to my enemies, people that hate me, people I hate, thanks for making things more interesting. A few insults a time won't hurt anybody right?

Thanks to all of you who did goog to me, who wish/ed me good.

Thanks to all of you who wish/ed me bad and did bad to me and sorry if karma fu**ed you up...xd

Thank you all!!!!! I apologize if I forgot to mention someone, I'm sorry.

And I apologize to everybody who suffered because of me, were insulted/hurt etc. by me. I'm sorry.

I'm not living this game, though I think that the end is not far away.

And no I'm not dying too, just wanted to express my gratitude.

Now to the part that the majority will find interesting.
Fill this up and I will send you a gift. I will send the gift according to your level/strength, the younger and weeker ones get more of course. 😃


If you are an organisation/Militia/MU etc. also fill this up, I will send you a gift too.

Don't be ashamed to participate, remember everybody could use a little help.
Only citizens from eUSA and eRepublic of Macedonia are allowed to participate(I might make an exception for my friends 😃).
If you are some rich guy with a lot of money, don't be afraid to donate and give it to charity, it makes you feel good.

Yeah I know that there are grammar/spelling mistakes, I apologize for that but I'm too damn lazy too look for them and repair them.

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Now go and get drunk...or laid...or both...
