
Day 896, 10:37 Published in South Africa Switzerland by Jacques Cousteau

Good Evening South Africa. This is my first article so I’d like to introduce myself.
My name is Borovszky Zsolt PhD.

Permanently I got a Hungarian citizenship, but maybe that will change over time. In RL (real-life) I live in Europe, and I am a student, and a “sportsman”. I am studying biology and atomic physics in a high school, and I am a professional water polo player. I think that’s enough about me for a while. 😉 Okay, so let’s talk about the Bismarck newspaper. The name Bismarck is coming from the “Bismarck class Battleship”. The Bismarck-class battleships were a pair of battleships built by Germany around the onset of World War II. They were designed to fight in the North Sea and the North Atlantic. And why have I chose Bismarck? Because it was a great ship class, and I hope that this newspaper will contain a great “class of articles” too. This newspaper will contain simple stuff’s about the everyday life. Just some simple news, post’s which are easy to understand, and they are written for people who don’t have enough time or don’t have an inclination for reading serious news, what are hard to understand. So take it easy, relax and read my first article:


The science, the religion and the art are three different concepts. At least in the people’s minds they are definitely in conflict with each other. We could say that the science is the religions antagonism. But, I think that’s not absolutely true. In reality they are closer to each other, than we could imagine. The truth is, these three concepts are “connected”, none of them were able to evolve without the other two factors. In the ancient Egypt the religion was the most popular one, among the science and art. All day long they “prayed to the Sun”. They wanted to get acquainted with God, but how could they do that I they did not know the human “structure” either?! In ancient Egypt drawing naked people was an evil fact. But fortunately, in ancient Greece, has already appeared the science and the art, but in the first place still the religion were. Due to the religion the Greek philosophers began to study the human body, and then was the first time too, when the science appeared in the art. Thanks to the science they managed to draw 3D, objects in 2D planes (perspective). In the Middle Ages, the religion “destroyed” the culture of science, and the priests used the art to manipulate the peoples. So, because of these facts – yes, I know there are much more facts too- I think that my theory is correct, and these three concepts are connected with each other.
P.S: I underlined the main ideas.

Thank you for reading this article and If you like liked my post please vote, sub, or do whatever you want. And finally I would like to show you a joke: