An interview with the commander of the eUS Army

Day 716, 18:05 Published in USA USA by bombonato

by 2LT Aeros
When he first took charge of the eUS Army, I had the pleasure to interview General NXNW in order to ask him about his plans and aspirations for the Army and the country as a whole. Now, a couple months later I had the pleasure to talk to him once more.

Q: Evening sir, and thank you again for taking the time to give an interview

A: Not a long as you don't ask about math. I was told there would be no math.

Q: Understood sir! When I first interviewed you, you were quite confident we would kick PEACE out of North America. It seems your belief was justified

A: It took a massive team effort on the part of E/B but once we pushed Indonesia out of CA it was a matter of time.

Q: From your vantage point in the strategic planning, what made you believe that?

A: Gold is a form of ammunition. Once we had a significant part of our economy back under our control we had the sinews to wage war. We had moved one opponent (Portugal) out through diplomacy, pushed another out through force of arms and had the all important initiative

Q: You say initiative is all important, but many do not quite understand why. Care to elaborate?

A: Initiative is key--we were willing to cede Texas to Colombia in order to keep it. With initiative you call the sequence of events. Game rules state that a country under attack cannot launch an attack. The pinning attacks by Canada kept preventing Russia from hitting us. With that maneuvering room we were, with solid Allied help, able to muscle Indonesia out of North America. The Indonesians had until that point in their long e-world history of warfare, lost only 2 regions they wanted to keep. One was California, the other was Western Siberia--and they were able to retake that region in a counterattack. Pushing them out of NA for good shows how far the eUSA military has come

Q: How would you compare the Military we have now to the one we had going into the war?

A: I can only describe the eArmy, the other service branch COs can speak for themselves. But in regard to the Army we have gone from being a respectable force to one that can change the course of a battle. The number of soldiers who have ranked up 2-3 times is incredible and shows how we have build espirit de corps. Soldiers are eager for the next fight. I'm proud to se what we have accomplished and our improvements have drawn praise from leaders in different Allied countries

Q: When you first took charge, you mentioned you wanted to create a new unit for more advanced players, how did that turn out?

A: I'm very happy with the Ranger Battalion. Under the leadership of Colonel Tremaine the Rangers have participated in a number of battles and make a solid contribution to the Liberation of NW India. I still can't believe that the 3rd tier force of the eUS military has a strong core of soldiers "battle ranked" FM

Q: The whole "tier" system is often confusing for some people. Would you care to elaborate on it a bit more?

A: The eUSA military is organized into six "branches." The Marines & Airborne are two elite formations that include large numbers of tanks. The Army is designed to be a mobile force composed of soldiers with lower rank and strength but over time we've grown to the point where we are almost on par with the elite forces. In addition to these three branches the Mobile Infantry is another mobile force while the Home Guard is comprised of soldiers who cannot leave the country. In addition, there is the Air Force which is an anti-PTO force and fights with just their vote.

Q: With regards to the recent PEACE attack, what are your thoughts?

A: They have exposed a bit of the societal underbelly. Their citizens can't go 3 days without starting a fight. Those same citizens are used to winning. I wouldn't be surprised if many of their players leave the game now that they are no longer the big bully on the block. Some reports indicate this has already happened in Indonesia. It takes a special kind of person to snap back from defeat. E/B nations have this "Right Stuff." Hungary did in the past but i think they have forgotten their roots.

Q: So you feel the future course of the eWorld will be set by the Allies?

A: Possibly. Indonesia & Hungary are formidable opponents and as long as they retain key colonies they have the ability to wage offensive war on a global scale. A more independent alliance between Russia & Serbia (think SlavBros) would also merit respect but overall the growth seems to be coming in Allied nations.

Q: Do you see the Army going through more changes to fit with the times?

A: Absolutely. We need to continue to improve our ability to deploy and fight on very short notice. I'm very pleased with our QMG outfit--Supplies needed for operations get out quickly at any time of the day/night.

Q: I think that just about covers everything. Do you have any parting words for all the troops in the Army?

A: I take great pride in my association with the eArmy. Ultimately this game is all about people and I think we have a top notch group. First one to Budapest gets a promotion!

Q: Sweet, so, if I move to Hungary now I won't be a butter bar anymore?

A: lol, If you move at the head of one of our columns I'll see what I can do.

Once again, A big thank you to General NXNW for taking the time to speak with us.