An Endorsement from the Heart

Day 927, 01:20 Published in USA USA by Jamarcus

Chocolate McSkittles and Ligtreb will win the Presidential election this month. That is not a wild guess, it's a inevitability. Choc/ligtreb have run the most organized campaign for the big chair that I have ever seen. They have secured 8 official party endorsements including 4 out of 5 of the largest parties in the country. Including my own party, the UIP. Chocolate McSkittles will make a great president and libtreb will make an even better VP.

However, I'm not here to talk about Choc/ligtreb. I'm here to support one of my favorite players and my good friend, Sir Valaro Volcrum. I know that most people don't know this man or even care to know. I know that the easy thing to do would be to make the popular choice and endorse Choc for President. But the fact is I don't know Choc, but I do know SVV. I don't give endorsements often because they're personal for me. I don't take the time to write an article let alone an endorsement unless it's from the heart. There are few players I respect more than SVV (Josh Frost is my hero). SVV is dedicated, professional, smart, honest, and one hell of an organizer. Everywhere SVV has gone, he has left a mark. He is the best organizer I have ever seen. He revolutionized the Israeli Defence Forces as Minister of Defence, and laid the ground work for turning the IDF into an efficient fighting force on the battlefield. He was a master diplomat as Foreign Minister of Israel. He was respected by both allies and enemies.

SVV has put his heart into every job he was asked to serve and has excelled expectations everytime. SVV gets sh*t done! It's disappointing that elections these days are popularity contests thanks to the new ad module. All I see from the ad module is lots of cleavage, chimps, and chocolate skittles. That's American politics for ya. The most disappointing thing about this election is that SVV, a fellow UIPer, did not even receive the thumbs up from his own party. Most parties would jump at the chance to run their own candidate. Especially if that candidate had the experience to not only win, but be a great President. Most people would just throw in the towel if they lost their own party's primary. However, SVV is not like most people. He never throws in the towel until the job is done. And for that, I respect and support him.

This article is not meant to sway your vote in anyway. No, this is an affirmation of my faith in SVV's ability to lead this great nation of ours. SVV is not the popular candidate, but he is my candidate. I value friendship over popularity.

My name is Jamarcus, and I approve this message.