An Anti-Social Network

Day 1,580, 18:46 Published in USA Canada by Ralph Kline

The digital enviroment that the erepublik game presents, offers players a chance to connect and develop relationships. This is often done through shared purpose. A political/war game, it's design gives advantage to members of the strongest teams. Those with strategy in mind, use this aspect to the greatest extent. This brings results if the motives are with game advancement in mind, this however, is not always the case. Some minds behind the keyboards however, accompany us with a altered sense of purpose.

The political module is the root of much grief in our world. Once a month, every position of government is up for election. Those who whould seek to "change the world for the better" , offer themselves, often with great intent and purpose. They campaign, promote themselves and others in the parties they affilate with. When elected, they bear the resposibility of leadership and often the realization how limited they are, to actually make any sort of change in the game at all. This sense of futility, the simple lack of diversity in the paths of our future, it creates boredom, then contempt and animosity. Everbody expects someting more, it cannot be,and somebody must be blamed. The lines are drawn.

Government also becomes the focal point of criticism for each other, in the social sense. So much for shared purpose. The human nature of competition takes over. Those who would seek the ideals of public service become like dogs fighting for meat. Lying, cheating and manipulating to win, the power. So viewed by the electorate, the process becomes disrespected and opinions formed by the harshest words instead of the substance of a person's character.

With congressional elections approaching, we all owe each other the duty to take care in how we vote. Get to know those who you intend to vote for. Don't listen to the words of trolls, they are products of the situation described above and serve no decent purpose. Be mindful of the character of those you put forth. Don't accept bribes or gifts for votes, you can be sure it will hurt all of us in the long run.