AMP: Honor above all else

Day 1,716, 22:19 Published in USA USA by Eric Vanderberg

Mood Music:

Honus Habet Onus

Do you know what it means? Or better, do you know what it stands for? If not, allow me to assist your translation. It means in Latin, In Honor comes Responsibility. Honor is a cornerstone of many a Man or Woman's personal motto. I walk around in real life and see tattoos that decree "Death before Dishonor" and I flip through the pages of Erepublik, watching those who claim to have Honor, dishonor themselves and those that serve with and for them.

You may have noticed, that my title and my theme for this article is Brothers in Arms, Brotherhood, Honor. All things that the American Military Party has been founded on. Our party, forged in steel. Our friendships, undying and our devotion to our nation has never waivered or wilted. Our leaders, steadfast and strong have shaped this nation for the better and are well known and numerous.

Tonight, one man running for President, Civil Anarchy, the current sitting Secretary of the Media made it his mission to appear on the forums of the American Military Party and post a thread concerning alleged actions by Haliman, founder and former CP of the United States. Indeed, Civil Anarchy has taken it upon himself to inform the whole of the American Military Party that one of their Leaders was allegedly working with the Republican Liberty Caucus in order to become President.


The word Allegedly is dangerous, Allegedly is used to accuse someone of doing a lot of things. In Real Life, Allegedly is used to accuse someone of a crime. In Erepublik, one needs only accuse someone of a crime and hope they can withdraw before being questioned. To his credit, Civil Anarchy has not withdrawn, even now, 2 hours after posting the article to his feed and to the AMP forums he sits watching the same thread, watching, waiting for someone to post.

I, like many Im sure watched and waited for some folks to chip in their opinion before I posted mine. I quickly received word from Civil Anarchy on IRC, within 5 minutes of posting explaining why he thought what he did was right and why I should be quick to judge Haliman.

I was born with a sense of right and wrong, I was born to have Honor, I did not take his argument at face value, I even questioned it and questioned his motives of bringing the argument directly to the AMP. CivilAnarchy to his credit was civil, as his name suggests. His argument however is another story.

Before I continue, let me tell you right now. Anyone who thinks that I am a brown-nosing, suck up or any of the two can speak to anyone in the National Guard or elsewhere. I stand up for what I believe is right, right wrong or indifferent. I won't be bribed and I won't be swayed to do anything against my principles. With that being sai😛

CivilAnarchy, his actions and his motives are highly questionable, have zero weight and zero chance of swaying me or the American Military Party at large.

When you run for President, the highest office in the land, people expect to see a politican like they do in RL use a simple forumla. 99% Bullcrap, 1% Truth and there is a margin of error of 1%.

CivilAnarchy's appearance on the forums of the American Military Party with a purported log showing Haliman kowtowing to the Republican Liberty Caucus is flawed in at least one way. That one way being CivilAnarchy's attempt to bribe Haliman to drop out of the race by offering him Vice President or as the log says "MoFA" or Secretary of State.

Here is what is troubling. If Haliman were, as CivilAnarchy alleges working with the RLC, why would CivilAnarchy go out of his way to offer Haliman a position in his Government?

If you are objective like I am, you see two reasons. One is that CivilAnarchy knows that Haliman could win this race and he is trying to win the election for himself or that CivilAnarchy knows that regardless of his stances on the RLC he will have to court them in order to win the election.

After the appearance of both candidates on eNPR last night, CivilAnarchy laid into Haliman's alleged soft stance on the RLC while CivilAnarchy kept a strict anti-RLC stance throughout the debate. Doesn't it sound the least bit strange that 24 hours later, with 3 days to go until the election that CivilAnarchy and his staff would arrive at the doors of the American Military Party with such a log?

To me and the casual observer, it smacks of politics and dirty politics at that. It reeks of desperation of CivilAnarchy to turn the tide of the AMP Primary to his favor and it looks and feels like CivilAnarchy will do anything to keep Haliman from winning or even coming close to winning the Presidency.

To me and the casual observer, it reeks of dishonor, desperation and disappointment in how CivilAnarchy could allow himself to stoop to such a level. One second bribing Haliman, the next trying to turn his party against him. It is disgusting, disturbing and an out and out shame.

The actions of CivilAnarchy and his staff have taught me one thing. To never, ever, ever cast a vote for CivilAnarchy for any race in Erepublik again. His actions are grossly inappropriate for a member of the Govenment as CivilAnarchy is as Secretary of Media. They are also disturbing in that after failing to bribe Haliman, he attempts to invoke the wrath of the AMP against their founder and one of their leaders and it is galling the nonchalant attitude this man has to even consider doing this in the first place.

On election day, I am holding my vote. I will not be voting for CivilAnarchy, as a protest for his actions tonight. I will not be voting for Dan Wang, I don't know his policies enough to cast my vote for him. I may vote for Haliman, out of respect for who he is and what he is about.

It is too soon to tell.


Im sorry that I did not post any pictures other than the top one, I wanted to speak seriously and from the heart and when you do that, you don't need pictures to illustrate your point. Only your words from your heart and soul.